Versiti - Test Type: Functional/Serologic Test

Functional/Serologic Test


ABO and Rh

Testing for pretransfusion donor and patient compatibility and to assist in the diagnosis


ABO and Rh - Transplant

Testing for donor and patient compatibility in the context of a organ or bone marrow transplant


ABO Antibody Titer

ABO antibody titration tests for the assessment of prognosis in ABO-incompatible hematopoietic stem cell transplantation or for decision-making in ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation.


ABO Antibody Titer

ABO antibody titration tests for the assessment of prognosis in ABO-incompatible hematopoietic stem cell transplantation or for decision-making in ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation.


ADAMTS13 Activity

This assay is measured by Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) with a synthetic substrate.


ADAMTS13 Antibody

The antibody assay detects IgG antibody serologically by ELISA.


ADAMTS13 Evaluation

ADAMTS13 Evaluation is a reflexive testing algorithm for evaluation of TTP. Activity is always performed. If result is <= 30%, the inhibitor assay (1297) is performed. If inhibitor result is <= 0.7 Inhibitor Units, the antibody assay (1299) is performed


ADAMTS13 Inhibitor

The inhibitor assay measures antibodies that inhibit ADAMTS13 function by mixing study.


aHUS Complement Profile

Includes: CD46 (MCP) Expression, C3, C4, Factor B, Factor H, Factor H Autoantibody, and Factor I


Antibody Identification Workup

ABO/Rh, Direct Antiglobulin Test and one Ab ID. Based on results determined by IRL, additional tests may include selected cell panel(s), selected cell screens(s), rare cell panel(s), and pertinent antigen typing(s).


Antibody Titration Workup

Detects the presence and measures the amount of antibodies within a personÂ’s blood. Monitoring antibody levels during pregnancy to help assess the risk of hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN).


Anti-VWF Antibody IgG and IgM

This assay quantifies anti-VWF antibodies IgG and IgM using an ELISA plate method to support diagnosis of acquired von Willebrand disease.


Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia

Testing to determine when antibodies directed against the person's own red blood cells (RBCs) cause them to burst (lyse), leading to an insufficient number of oxygen-carrying red blood cells in the circulation.


Complete Rh Phenotyping of RBCs

Includes: D, C, c, E, e antigens.


Crossmatch (Flow Cytometry)

The flow cytometric lymphocyte crossmatch is a technique for evaluating the compatibility of potential transplant recipients and donors and analyzed for the presence of bound IgG antibodies.


Crossmatch (Flow Cytometry) Against Recipient

Recipient serum is incubated with donor lymphocytes which are analyzed in a flow cytometer for the presence of bound IgG antibodies to find donor-specific antibodies to avoid deleterious graft function.


Crossmatch (Flow Cytometry) Titration

Titration allows you to determine the amount of antibody that gives you the best separation of populations in your samples, and the best measure of expression levels.


DAT Negative Hemolytic Anemia Evaluation

Includes: ABO/Rh, Direct Antiglobulin Tests (including IgA detection), Elution (routine and enhanced), and antibody detection tests (routine and enhanced). Additional tests as necessary based upon results determined by Immunohematology Reference Lab.


Direct Antiglobulin Test (DAT)

Also known as the direct Coombs test, is used primarily to help determine whether the cause of hemolytic anemia.



Detects harmful antibodies related to a rare disorder called paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria. Not available as an individual test. Requires initial evaluation at additional cost.


Drug-Dependent Neutrophil Antibody

Test for antibodies in patientÂ’s serum that react against neutrophils only in the presence of a specific drug causing neutropenia.


Drug-Dependent Platelet Antibody

This assay employs flow cytometric detection of drug-dependent platelet antibodies for several drugs.


Drug-Dependent RBC Antibody Study

Evaluation of immune hemolysis after exposure to certain drugs is important in order to make the correct diagnosis and to prevent possible future adverse complications.Not available as an individual test. Requires initial evaluation at additional cost.



Used for dissociating an antibody that is attached to the surface of a red blood cell. Used in identification of complicated antibodies, the workup of transfusion reactions or hemolytic disease of the newborn, and the workup of warm autoantibodies.


Factor II Activity

This assay measures activity of factor II.


Factor II Inhibitor Profile

This order includes both Factor II Activity and Factor II Inhibitor.


Factor IX Activity

This assay measures activity of factor IX.


Factor IX Activity - Hepzyme Treated

This assay measures activity of factor IX, with addition of hepzyme to neutralize the influence of heparin.


Factor IX Inhibitor Profile

This order set includes both Factor IX Activity and Factor IX Inhibitor.


Factor IX Inhibitor Profile - Hepzyme Treated

This order set includes both Factor IX Activity and Factor IX Inhibitor, both including the addition of hepzyme to neutralize the influence of heparin.


Factor V Activity

This assay measures activity of factor V.


Factor V Inhibitor Profile

This order set includes both Factor V Activity and Factor V Inhibitor.


Factor VII Activity

This assay measures activity of factor VII.


Factor VII Inhibitor Profile

This profile includes: Factor VII Activity and Factor VII Inhibitor.


Factor VIII Activity - Chromogenic

The chromogenic factor VIII activity assay uses bovine reagents, is insensitive to emicizumab and lupus anticoagulant, and is adversely affected by the presence of direct factor X inhibitors or high concentrations of heparin.


Factor VIII Activity - Clot based

This test measures the activity of factor VIII to aid in diagnosis of hemophilia A, acquired factor VIII deficiency, or as part of diagnostic workup for von Willebrand disease (VWD).


Factor VIII Activity - Concentrate

This test is used to determine the level of the coagulation protein Factor VIII in a vial of factor concentrate.


Factor VIII Activity - Cryoprecipitate

This test is used to determine the level of the coagulation protein Factor VIII in a unit or pool of cryoprecipitate. Contact laboratory for additional information.


Factor VIII Activity - Plasma QC

This test is used to determine the level of the coagulation protein Factor VIII in a unit or Fresh Frozen Plasma or Recovered Plasma. Contact laboratory for additional information.


Factor VIII Activity Hepzyme Treated - Chromogenic

The chromogenic factor VIII activity assay uses bovine reagents, is insensitive to emicizumab and lupus anticoagulant, and is adversely affected by the presence of direct factor X inhibitors or very high concentrations of heparin (greater than 2 U/mL). The addition of hepzyme in this assay will neutralize the influence of heparin.


Factor VIII Activity Hepzyme Treated - Clot based

This assay measures activity of factor VIII, with addition of hepzyme to neutralize the influence of heparin.


Factor VIII Inhibitor

The chromogenic factor VIII inhibitor assay uses bovine reagents, is insensitive to emicizumab and lupus anticoagulant, and is adversely affected by the presence of direct factor X inhibitors or high concentrations of heparin.


Factor VIII Inhibitor - Hepzyme Treated

The chromogenic factor VIII inhibitor assay uses bovine reagents, is insensitive to emicizumab and lupus anticoagulant, and is adversely affected by the presence of direct factor X inhibitors or very high concentrations of heparin (greater than 2 U/mL). The addition of hepzyme in this assay will neutralize the influence of heparin.


Factor X Activity

This assay measures activity of factor X.


Factor X Inhibitor Profile

This order set includes: Factor X Activity and Factor X Inhibitor.


Factor XI Activity

This assay measures activity of factor XI.


Factor XI Inhibitor Profile

This order set includes: Factor XI Activity and Factor XI Inhibitor.


Factor XII Activity

This assay measures activity of factor XII.


Factor XII Inhibitor Profile

This order set includes: Factor XII Activity and Factor XII Inhibitor.


Fibrinogen Activity

This assay measures fibrinogen activity. Versiti is temporarily unable to report a Fibrinogen Activity:Fibrinogen Antigen ratio or provide an interpretation when both the Fibrinogen Activity Assay (Order Code: 1011) and Fibrinogen Antigen Assay (Order Code: 1508) are ordered.


Fibrinogen Activity - Cryoprecipitate

This test is used to determine the level of the coagulation protein Fibrinogen in a unit or pool of cryoprecipitate. Contact laboratory for additional information.



Effective October 23, 2023, and until we can validate a new in-house assay, any samples received for the Fibrinogen Antigen Assay (Order Code 1012) will be passed through, processed, and resulted by our send-out partner, ARUP. For information about the pass-through Fibrinogen Antigen Assay, refer to order code 1508.


Fibrinogen Antigen - Plasma

Samples received for this assay are passed through, processed, and resulted by our send-out partner, ARUP. We are unable to hold or return samples, should you prefer your samples NOT be passed through.


Glycoprotein IV (CD36) Typing

This assay utilizes flow cytometry in the typing of platelet glycoprotein IV (CCD36).


Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn (HDN)

Serological analysis post-delivery to determine compatibility of mother and baby when Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn is suspected.


Heparin-Dependent Platelet Antibody (PF4 ELISA) - IgA/M Panel

This Platelet Factor Four Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay is designed for detection of Heparin-Dependent Platelet Antibodies of the IgM or IgA subclasses.


Heparin-Dependent Platelet Antibody (PF4 ELISA) - IgG

This Platelet Factor Four Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay is designed for detection of Heparin-Dependent Platelet Antibodies of the IgG subclass.


Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia - PEA

This test is designed to detect heparin-dependent platelet antibodies in the serum from patients suspected of having Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT).


Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia - SRA

This test is designed to detect heparin-dependent platelet antibodies in the serum from patients suspected of having Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT).


Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Evaluation (SRA)

Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Evaluation is a reflexive algorithm. IgG-PF4 ELISA is always performed. If ELISA results are non-negative a Serotonin Release Assay will be performed.


HLA Antibody Detection (Flow Cytometry)

HLA antigen testing for solid organ and stem cell transplants.


HOLD TRALI Recipient

Versiti Wisconsin, Inc will HOLD a recipient whole blood sample during TRALI donor testing. If an antibody is identified in the donor, the recipient sample could be genotyped to confirm presence of the target antigen by client's request.


Neonatal Alloimmune Neutropenia (NAN) Panel - Father

This panel includes: Neutrophil Antigen Genotyping - HNA-1, 3, 4 and 5.


Neonatal Alloimmune Neutropenia (NAN) Panel - Mother

This panel includes: Neutrophil Antigen Genotyping - HNA-1, 3, 4 and 5, and Neutrophil Antibody Identification and HLA Antibody Screen.


Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (NAIT)-Initial Paternal

This order set includes: Platelet Antigen Genotyping Panel. To complete this workup, order Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (NAIT)-Initial Testing Maternal with Paternal (test code 5603) for maternal sample.


Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (NAIT)-Initial Testing Maternal Only

This order set includes: Platelet Antigen Genotyping Panel and Platelet Antibody Identification Panel. Order this test when the father is not available for testing.


Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (NAIT)-Initial Testing Maternal with Paternal

This order set includes: Platelet Antigen Genotyping on parents, Platelet Antibody Identification Panel on mother and maternal serum crossmatched with paternal platelets. To complete the workup, concurrently order NAIT-Initial Paternal (test code 5703)


Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (NAIT)-Serial Monitoring Maternal only

This assay includes: Testing for antibodies against HPA-1a/b, HPA-2a/b, HPA-3a/b, HPA-4a, HPA-5a/b, GPIIb/IIIa, GPIa/IIa, GPIb/IX. GPIV and Class I HLA.


Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (NAIT)-Serial Monitoring Maternal with Paternal

This order set includes: Platelet Antibody Identification Panel on mother and maternal serum crossmatched with paternal platelets.


Neutrophil Antibody Identification and HLA Antibody Screen

This order set includes: Neutrophil Antibody Identification and HLA Antibody Detection.


Neutrophil Antibody Screen

This flow-cytometry screen tests for the detection and identification of neutrophil antibodies.


Neutrophil Antibody Screen and HLA Antibody Screen

This order set includes: Neutrophil Antibody Screen and HLA Antibody Detection. Automatic reflexing options are available.


Neutrophil Antibody Screen with REFLEX to 5113 (Neut ID and HLA Screen)

This order will automatically reflex to Neutrophil Antibody Identification and HLA Detection if neutrophil reactive antibodies are detected.


Neutrophil Antibody Screen with REFLEX to HLA Antibody Screen

This order will automatically reflex to HLA Detection if neutrophil reactive antibodies are detected.


Partial RhD Analysis

Mutations in RHD may result in amino acid substitutions in the D protein. If those substances change the appearance or structure of exposed parts of the antigen on the outside of the RBC (epitopes), the patient is described as having partial D.


Platelet Aggregation

Used to assess platelet function if a hereditary bleeding disorder is suspected. Includes: Aggregation with Ristocetin; Aggregation and ATP Release w/ ADP, Collagen, Thrombin and Arachidonic Acid. Platelets must be tested within four (4) hours of draw. To order testing, use the Platelet Aggregation Form


Platelet Antibody Identification Panel

This panel includes: Testing for antibodies against HPA-1a/b, HPA-2a/b, HPA-3a/b, HPA-4a, HPA-5a/b, GPIIb/IIIa, GPIa/IIa, GPIb/IX, GPIV and Class I HLA.


Platelet Antibody Screen

This assay screens patient sera for platelet-reactive antibodies via flow cytometry.


Platelet Autoantibodies

This assay detects direct and indirect glycoprotein-specific antibodies in eluates prepared from washed patient platelets.


Platelet Glycoprotein Expression (PGE)

This order includes: GPIb (Bernard Soulier Syndrome) and GPIIb/IIIa (Glanzmann Thrombasthenia).


Platelet Transfusion Refractory (PTR) Panel

This panel includes: Platelet Antibody Identification Panel and Platelet Antigen Genotyping Panel.


PNH - Erythrocytes and Leukocytes

Flow cytometric evaluation of both erythrocytes and leukocytes in evaluation for paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH)


PNH - Leukocytes

Flow cytometric evaluation of leukocytes in evaluation for paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH)


Porcine Factor VIII Inhibitor Profile

This order set includes both Factor VIII Activity-Clot based and Porcine Factor VIII Inhibitor.


Porcine Factor VIII Inhibitor Profile - Hepzyme Treated

This order set includes both Factor VIII Activity-Clot based and Porcine Factor VIII Inhibitor, with addition of hepzyme to neautralize the influence of heparin


Post-Transfusion Purpura (PTP) Panel

Includes: Platelet Antibody Identification Panel and Platelet Antigen Genotyping Panel.


Protein C Activity

This test provides the activity level of the blood coagulation factor, Protein C. This protein is one of the regulatory proteins in the blood clotting cascade.


Protein C Antigen

This test provides the antigen level of the blood coagulation factor, Protein C. This protein is one of the regulatory proteins in the blood clotting cascade.


Protein S Activity

This test provides the activity level of the blood coagulation factor, Protein S. This protein is one of the regulatory proteins in the blood clotting cascade.


Protein S Antigen, Free

This test provides the antigen level of the blood coagulation factor, Protein S. This protein is one of the regulatory proteins in the blood clotting cascade.


Protein S Antigen, Total and Free

This test provides the antigen level of the blood coagulation factor, Protein S. This protein is one of the regulatory proteins in the blood clotting cascade.


Ristocetin-Induced Platelet Aggregation (RIPA)

Aggregation with high and low dose ristocetin is used to identify patients with type 2B von Willebrand Disease, platelet-type von Willebrand Disease or Bernard-Soulier Syndrome. Platelet Aggregation Form


Single Platelet Agonist Aggregation - ADP

Used to assess platelet function if a hereditary bleeding disorder is suspected. This test is used to determine how a patients platelets respond to the agonist ADP. Patients platelets must be tested within four (4) hours of draw. To order testing, use the Platelet Aggregation Form


Single Platelet Agonist Aggregation - Arachidonic Acid

Used to assess platelet function if a hereditary bleeding disorder is suspected. This test is used to determine how a patients platelets respond to the agonist AA. Patients platelets must be tested within four (4) hours of draw. To order testing, use the Platelet Aggregation Form


Single Platelet Agonist Aggregation - Collagen

Used to assess platelet function if a hereditary bleeding disorder is suspected. This test is used to determine how a patients platelets respond to the agonist collagen. Patients platelets must be tested within four (4) hours of draw.


Single Platelet Agonist Aggregation - Thrombin

Used to assess platelet function if a hereditary bleeding disorder is suspected. This test is used to determine how a patients platelets respond to the agonist Thrombin. Patients platelets must be tested within four (4) hours of draw. To order testing, use the Platelet Aggregation Form


Thermal Amplitude Study

Not available as an individual test. Requires initial evaluation at additional cost.


VWD Diagnostic Evaluation

This panel is offered to patients <6 months of age only. Reflexive algorithm always includes: FVIII Activity, VWF Antigen, VWF GPIbM Activity (performed by ELISA), and VWF Collagen III Binding. Reflex testing may include: VWD Type 2B Binding, VWD Type 2N Binding, VWF Propeptide Antigen, and/or VWF Quantitative Multimer.


VWD Diagnostic Panel

Reflexive algorithm always includes: FVIII Activity, VWF Antigen, VWF:GPIbM Activity, and VWF Collagen III Binding. Reflex testing may include: VWD Type 2B Binding, VWD Type 2N Binding, VWF Propeptide Antigen, and/or VWF Quantitative Multimer.


VWD Therapeutic Monitoring

This panel includes Factor VIII Activity, VWF Antigen, and VWF GPIbM Activity.


VWD Type 2B Evaluation

This order set includes VWD Type 2B Binding and VWD Type 2B Quantitative Multimer.


VWD Type 2N Binding

This 2N-von Willebrand Disease panel is designed to distinguish type 2N-von Willebrand disease from mild hemophilia A and hemophilia A carriers.


VWD Type 2N Profile

This order set includes: Factor VIII Activity, VWF Antigen and VWD Type 2N Binding.


VWF Antigen

This assay measures a patient's total vWF protein level, independent of the multimer composition of the plasma


VWF Collagen Binding Profile

This assay tests the capacity of platelet adhesion at sites of blood vessel injury and can identify qualitative binding issues. Includes VWF Antigen, VWF Collagen III Binding, and VWF Collagen IV Binding. Additional reflex to VWF Quantitative Multimer, if indicated.


VWF Collagen III Binding

This assay tests the capacity of platelet adhesion at sites of blood vessel injury and can identify qualitative binding issues.


VWF Collagen IV Binding

This assay tests the capacity of platelet adhesion at sites of blood vessel injury and can identify qualitative binding issues.


VWF GPIbM Activity

This assay is performed by ELISA and is only offered for patients <6 months of age. VWF GPIbM Activity is a ristocetin-independent activity assay and is an alternative to VWF Ristocetin Cofactor Activity with superior precision and sensitivity.


VWF GPIbM Binding Activity

This assay is offered to patients = 6 months of age. VWF:GPIbM Activity is a ristocetin-independent activity assay and is an alternative to VWF Ristocetin Cofactor Activity with superior precision and sensitivity.


VWF Inhibitor Panel

Order set includes VWF Inhibitor Screen mixing study and VWF:GPIbM Activity. If the VWF GPIbM result is >= 50 IU/dL, the inhibitor screen is invalid and will be cancelled and credited.


VWF Propeptide Antigen

This assay evaluates propeptide antigen levels. This result should be correlated with VWF antigen, VWF ristocetin cofactor activity, VWF multimers, and clinical history by the ordering physician to arrive at the appropriate diagnosis.


VWF Quantitative Multimer

Quantitative multimer analysis provides an objective measure of VWF structure to characterize subtle changes observed in the subtypes of VWD and may help to determine the nature of any additional clinical laboratory testing to reach a clear-cut diagnosis


Weak RhD Analysis Workup

This complex test is ordered to resolve a Rh discrepancy (aka D antigen typing discrepancy). The molecular testing will identify Weak D Types 1, 2, and 3. These Weak D Types can be safely deemed Rh positive.