Versiti - Flow Cytometry Core Laboratory | Versiti Blood Research Institute

Flow Cytometry Core Laboratory

The Flow Cytometry Core contains four Becton Dickinson cytometer systems.

Instrumentation and Applications

The Flow Cytometry Core provides data analysis with the following software:

  • FlowJo
  • FCS Express
  • FACSDiva
  • CFlow Plus

Analysis workstations and training are available for Flow Core users.


Miltenyi Biotec Magnetic Cell Separation Workstation

This workstation consists of a stand and four separation magnets that can be reserved for use. The usually vast initial cell population can be reduced and enriched for the target cell, with little or no added abuse to the cells. This cuts down sorting time and usually increases viability.


The Flow Core provides these services to all of its investigators and outside users, as capacity permits. Instruments are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis with priority given to Versiti Blood Research Institute (VBRI) investigators. Any new users to the Core are required to attend a free training session. All BD FACSAria sorts are operator assisted and therefore must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance. As a courtesy, we require 24 hours’ notice to cancel a sort, so that time can be made available to other users.

Schedule your Flow Core service.

Sample Preparation

Please discuss your experimental protocol with us. Sample preparation is always critical to success, and some reagents are not recommended due to optical considerations. We need to determine if there are any special cytometer cleaning requirements. The handling of any infectious or otherwise dangerous materials should be discussed prior to booking time on any system.

Download the Sample Prep Guidelines for Sorting instructions.

Accreditations & Licenses
Versiti and its affiliates hold numerous accreditations and licenses, listed here for each Versiti affiliate.
Scientific Programs
Scientific research and training are important parts of Versiti’s mission. Our research programs involve basic and clinical scientists at Versiti Blood Research Institute.
Core Facilities & Services
Versiti Blood Research Institute provides a number of core facilities and services available to investigators, including the latest technology and equipment.
Versiti Blood Research Institute
Versiti Blood Research Institute investigators study blood disorders like hemophilia, blood cancers like leukemia, and other blood diseases.