Versiti - Versiti Blood Research Institute

Versiti Blood Research Institute

The Versiti Blood Research Institute’s work is dedicated to hematology in all its facets, spanning basic, translational and clinical research, all with one goal: to make people’s lives better. 


Update on NIH Indirect Cost Rate Cap

NIH’s proposed 15% cap on indirect costs threatens vital research funding. Versiti Blood Research Institute is advocating to protect resources essential for breakthroughs in blood disorders, cancer, and immune diseases.

State of the Art Facility

Basic research is housed at Versiti Blood Research Institute (VBRI), a state-of-the-art facility that gives investigators access to cutting-edge research equipment and related specialized services. VBRI is located on the Milwaukee Regional Medical Center campus, along with the Medical College of Wisconsin, Froedtert Hospital and Children’s Wisconsin.


Collaborative Environment

In addition to the intellectual capital and resources within Versiti, the local density of healthcare and research facilities provides us with a rich environment for biomedical research. Clinical scientists at Versiti Medical Sciences Institute facilitate opportunities to identify and engage in collaborative translational research. Contract research scientists aid industry partners in custom projects that help advance innovative drugs, products and services.


Our Scientists

Browse our Investigators, Emeritus Investigators, and other members of the Blood Research Institute.

Transfusion Medicine, Vascular Biology & Cellular Therapy
We study biology and pathology of blood vessels, blood and blood cells and design ways to repair or replace them when damaged.
Thrombosis & Hemostasis
We study the properties of blood that cause it to clot. Our findings help to treat diseases that cause blood clots or excessive bleeding.
Hematopoiesis & Immunology
Immunobiology and hematopoiesis are scientific fields that are crucial to improving treatments for patients with leukemia, autoimmune diseases and more.
Translational Hematology
Improving care of patients with blood diseases by translating discoveries and researching treatments.
Michael Deininger Laboratory
The Deininger Laboratory focuses on translational research in leukemia, primarily the biology of proliferative neoplasms and the development of molecular targeted therapies.
Bonnie Dittel Laboratory
The Dittel Laboratory investigates cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of inflammation, a component of virtually every disease.
Christian Kastrup Laboratory
The Kastrup Lab is a group of biochemists and engineers working towards gaining a deeper upstanding of how clotting is regulated, enabling the development of novel therapeutics for hemostasis and thrombosis.
Tirthadipa Pradhan-Sundd Laboratory
Tirthadipa “Dipa” Pradhan-Sundd’s laboratory at Versiti Blood Research Institute studies hepato-vascular cells in sickle cell disease and other hematological disorders.
Sridhar Rao Laboratory
The Rao Laboratory studies the process of hematopoiesis and the ability of a single blood stem cell to create all of the blood cells needed in one lifetime.
Qizhen Shi Laboratory
The Qizhen Shi, MD, PhD, laboratory at Versiti Blood Research Institute studies gene and cell therapies for treatment of hemophilia A and hemophilia B.
Prithu Sundd Laboratory
The Sundd laboratory explores sickle cell disease and associated health concerns, including acute chest syndrome and vaso-occlusion in lung injury.

Milwaukee is a great place to live and work, featuring a beautiful lakefront, vibrant neighborhoods and extensive metropolitan area.


Research News

Versiti Blood Research Institute investigators are experts in the fields of transfusion medicine; immunobiology; thrombosis, hemostasis and vascular biology; and stem cell biology and hematopoiesis. Learn more about past, present and future research projects aimed at saving lives.


Educational Opportunities

Seminars, fellowships and training opportunities for investigators, postdoctoral fellows and trainees at Versiti Blood Research Institute.

Join Versiti Blood Research Institute
Versiti Blood Research Institute, located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, includes basic and clinical researchers in a variety of blood health fields.
Scientific Programs
Scientific research and training are important parts of Versiti’s mission. Our research programs involve basic and clinical scientists at Versiti Blood Research Institute.
VBRI Education
Versiti Blood Research Institute researchers and staff have access to medical research seminars, fellowships, training opportunities and more.
Our Experts
Research investigators, postdoctoral fellows and laboratory staff at Versiti Blood Research Institute and Diagnostic Laboratories.