L. William Cashdollar, PhD
Director, Core Laboratories, Investigator

Karin Hoffmeister, MD
Senior Investigator and Deputy Director

Kelly Beck
Flow Cytometry Specialist,
Flow Cytometry Core
Kelsey Benton, PhD
Imaging Specialist
Microscopic Imaging Core
Tongjun Gu, PhD
Associate Investigator,
Irene Hernandez
Senior Research Technologist,
Hybridoma Core
Donny Hoang, PhD
Computational Biologist,
Trudy Holyst
Senior Research Technologist,
Protein Core, Single Cell Core, Shared Instruments
Nicole Leon
Senior Coordinator Research Laboratory,
Histology Core
Jeremy Mattson
Senior Research Technologist,
Hemostasis & Thrombosis Core
Eric Michalski
Research Technologist II,
Single Cell Core, Vector Core, Shared Instruments
Savannah Neu, PhD
Senior Coordinator,
Flow Cytometry Core
Shriramprasad Venkatesan, PhD
Computational Biologist,
Shikan Zheng
Analyst Research Bioinformatics,
Grant Application Support
VBRI Shared Resources aid in the preparation of competitive grant applications that rely on access to shared resources.
VBRI Bioinformatics lab offers tailored data analysis services across multiple platforms by leveraging cutting-edge methodologies.
MRMC Hematology Biorepository
Versiti Blood Research Institute’s hematology biobank will help advance lifesaving research discoveries through well-typed patient donor samples.
Flow Cytometry
VBRI Flow Core provides access to a wide range of flow cytometry services and instrumentation, from basic and conventional analyzers to advanced spectral and imaging devices, along with high-throughput cell sorting.
The Histology Core processes fresh and frozen tissues to prepare sections suited for routine and customized histology stains, immunohistochemistry and other applications.
The Hybridoma facility aids in the generation, characterization, to-scale production and maintenance of monoclonal antibodies.
The Microscopic Imaging Core Lab provides researchers access to a variety of microscope systems. Core Lab staff train users and provide guidance with image acquisition and analysis.
Molecular and Single Cell Biology
This resource operates instrumentation for quantitative, real-time PCR, preparation and analysis of DNA/RNA and single-cell applications on the 10X, BD Rhapsody and Takara iCell8 platforms.
Chemistry supports custom peptide synthesis and maintains state-of-the-art instrumentation for the purification and characterization of proteins and nanoparticles.
Shared Instrumentation
Shared instruments enable routine or specialized devices for protein and nucleic acid quantitation and gel imaging, plate readers for various detection technologies, hematology analyzers, and ImmunoSpot analyzers.
Thrombosis and Hemostasis
The Thrombosis Core supports investigators studying thrombosis and hemostasis with equipment for the analysis of hemostatic parameters of blood and plasma samples and platelet and blood vessel function.
Viral Vectors
The Viral Vector Core provides vector design and production focused on adenovirus, retrovirus, lentivirus and adeno-associated virus.
Clinical Trials & Research Office
Versiti’s clinical research office manages the relationship between clinical trials and human volunteers for medical studies.
Office of Research Innovation & Technology Transfer
Patenting, grant management, licensing and contract negotiation services for technological advances across Versiti and Versiti Blood Research Institute.