Versiti - Versiti Community Partnerships

Partner with Versiti

We are a beacon of hope, care and innovation in the communities we call home.

Our Partners are Beacons of Hope in the Communities We Serve

Versiti a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization is a fusion of donors, scientific curiosity and precision medicine that recognizes the gifts of blood and life are precious. We are home to the world-renowned Versiti Blood Research Institute, we enable lifesaving gifts from our donors, and we provide the science behind the medicine through Versiti's diagnostic laboratories.

Join us in our livesaving mission to improve patient outcomes, to advance the field of personalized medicine, and to strengthen the health of communities everywhere. Together we can make a difference.

Ready to take the next step in amplifying your community efforts? Contact us to get started or to learn more.

Benefits of Partnering with Versiti

Versiti supports blood donors and patients in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin. As a partner, you’ll have access to our active donor base, including:

  • 310,000 dedicated blood donors annually across five states
  • 75,000 followers on social media
  • 13,000 community blood drives held annually
  • 800,000 emails to donors each month

Partners who align with our mission and encourage employee and customer involvement often see increased engagement:


Ready to Partner with Versiti?

Contact us at to start a conversation.

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Valued Partners
Versiti community partners and sponsors include amateur and professional sports teams, restaurants, entertainment venues, nonprofits, and more.
Partnership Giving Opportunities
Support our lifesaving mission through sponsorships, corporate financial giving, blood donor incentives and more.
Host A Blood Drive
Blood drive organizations save lives. Learn how to host a blood drive in your community with Versiti.
Funding Research
Versiti Blood Research Institute Foundation accepts financial and philanthropic gifts from donors, which helps to propel lifesaving research.
Impact Stories
Your blood, organ and tissue, and other donations directly impact lives in your community. Read a few of the examples of some of the lives that have been changed for the better.
About Us
Versiti is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) blood health organization with locations across the Midwest. Its world-class capabilities blood donation, innovative research and state-of-the-art diagnostic testing.