Versiti - Education


Versiti places education as a key value within its overall mission.

Clinical Education

Versiti provides professional and continuing education opportunities in transfusion medicine, hematology and transplantation through sponsorship of symposiums, workshops, online learning and fellowship opportunities—each with specific objectives related to our mission—as well as participating in medical student, resident and medical laboratory science student training.


beLearning™ is an online education tool offered by Versiti to physicians, laboratory professionals, nurses and scientists. These courses focus on education in transfusion medicine, hematology and transplantation.

Blood Flow Webinar Series

These unique online learning opportunities will include topic discussions in HLA, transfusion medicine, hematology, oncology, and more. Join industry thought-leaders as they discuss the latest blood health innovations across the spectrum of hematology challenges.

Clear as Glass Series

This innovative learning series features blood banking expert, Sue Johnson MSTM, MT(ASCP)SBBCM, as she walks you through a variety of topics in immunohematology. Learn at your own pace with the ability to pause, rewind, and replay topics as you experience this one-of-a-kind series.

Susan T. Johnson, MSTM, MLS(ASCP)SBBCM

Sue Johnson is the director of clinical education at Versiti and serves as director of its Specialist in Blood Banking (SBB) program. She has taken an active role in the education of medical laboratory science students for more than 20 years. Her experience includes:

  • Director and adjunct associate professor at Marquette University Graduate School, Transfusion Medicine Program
  • Clinical associate professor at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, College of Health Sciences

Sue has authored numerous transfusion medicine publications and immunohematology publications and is an established national and international lecturer. She is a member of the Invitational Conference of Investigative Immunohematologists (ICII) 

Sue has been an active member of the Association for the Advancement of Blood and Biotherapies (AABB) for more than 30 years. She served on the board of directors and as chair of the organization’s Membership & Elections Committee, Immunohematology Reference Laboratory Accreditation Program Unit and AABB Publications Committee. She is currently AABB’s Professional Engagement Program (PEP) ambassador.

Selected Publications and Presentations

  • Flegel WA, Denomme GA, Queenan JT, Johnson ST, Keller MA, Westhoff CM, Katz LM, Delaney M, Vassallo RR, Simon CD, Sandler SG. It's time to phase out "serologic weak D phenotype" and resolve D types with RHD genotyping including weak D type 4. Transfusion 2020 Apr;60(4):855-859.
  • Smit Sibinga CT, Louw VJ, Nedelcu E, Al-Riyami AZ, Bakhtary S, Johnson ST, Rambiritch V, Seoraj V, Callum J, van den Berg K, Vermeulen M, Barrett CA, Eichbaum QG, on behalf of the Subcommittee on Education of the AABB Global Transfusion Forum. Modeling global transfusion medicine. Transfusion 2021;61:3040–3049. 

  • Johnson ST, Storry JR, Judd WJ. Judd’s Methods in Immunohematology, 4th edition, AABB Press, 2022.
  • Johnson ST and Schanen MJ. Blood Banker Favorites: A Collection of the Best Recipes for Blood Sample Preparation, AABB Press, 2020.

  • AABB John Elliot Memorial Award (2021)
  • North Carolina Association of Blood Banks - Petteway-Shepherd Award (2021)
  • AABB President’s Award in recognition for her role as a master education and champion of Medical Laboratory Scientist and Specialist in Blood Banking (SBB) certification (2019)

  • Asian Association of Transfusion Medicine/AABB 1st Joint Meeting – Bangalore, India (2016)
  • “Molecular Testing for RHD on patients with serologic weak D phenotype!”  - San Diego ASCLS National Meeting (2017)
  • “Top Gun Serology” AABB Annual Meeting (2006 – 2016)
  • ASCP Annual Meeting – “Trick or Treat: The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Serology in the Blood Bank / Transfusion Medicine” (2021)
  • “Hogwarts School of Antigens and Antibodies” AABB Annual Meeting (2016-present)

TxMD Transfusion Medicine Resources

Educational materials and tools for healthcare professionals about topics related to transfusion and patient blood management.


PASS Blood Bank Review

The PASS Blood Bank Exam Review is designed for individuals preparing to take the ASCP Board of Certification Examination in the SBB or BB category, and for physicians who are preparing for the American Board of Pathology Examination in Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine.

This program is a partnership between Versiti, Wisconsin and the South Central Association of Blood Banks. 

For more information on this year's PASS review, go to:

Continuing Education Scholarship
The Joan Heimler Legacy of Life Scholarship is available to critical care & emergency nursing professionals in Wisconsin who work with organ & tissue donation.
Professional and Continuing Education
Versiti’s beLearning is a continuing education, self-directed learning module for healthcare professionals in blood banking, transfusion medicine and more.
Specialist in Blood Banking Program
Credits earned as part of the Specialist in Blood Banking SBB Certificate Program can be used toward a masters of science in transfusion medicine at Marquette Universtiy.
Transfusion Medicine Blood Banking Fellowship
Transfusion medicine blood banking fellowships cover topics including transfusion medicine, therapeutic apheresis, diagnostic laboratory services and more.