Versiti - Versiti on King

Versiti on King

Building a brighter future for Milwaukee’s diverse communities.

What is Versiti on King?

Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin is projected to open a first-of-its-kind permanent blood center and community resource center on Milwaukee’s North Side in Spring 2024. Located within the ThriveOn King development, Versiti on King will provide valuable community resources, including:

  • Employment and job skill training, including for new Versiti phlebotomists
  • Disease education, including sickle cell disease, diabetes and other conditions commonly affecting communities of color
  • Blood donation services, including a permanent Versiti donor center
  • Community health navigator
  • Basic social services

Chris Miskel, President and CEO of Versiti

Chris Miskel

Through advocacy and community outreach, Versiti aims to further establish itself as a trusted resource and agent for change for donors and patients in historically underserved communities of color.

“Versiti has proudly been part of the Milwaukee community for 75 years. While we have made great strides to address racial disparities in blood and organ donation, we know there is much work yet to do. Through advocacy and community outreach, Versiti hopes to further establish itself as a trusted resource and agent of change for the donors and patients we serve.” – Chris Miskel, Versiti President and CEO

Where is Versiti on King?

2153 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Suite 1600
 Milwaukee, WI 53212

Free parking is available in the parking structure at 320 W. Lloyd St., on the corner of W. Lloyd St and Vel R. Phillips Ave. Pull up, press the button to request access, and ask to be let in to visit Versiti.
The building entrance is directly across from the parking structure. Cross the vestibule and enter through the doors. Go all the way through the building, then turn left.

Who will Versiti on King benefit?

A number of diseases, including sickle cell, lupus, cancer and organ failure, disproportionately affect people of color. Versiti on King will partner with local experts to educate and raise awareness about the importance of blood donor diversity, disease education and available resources.

Community Health Navigator

The community health navigator is a trusted member of the community who serves as a liaison between individuals and health/social services organizations. They facilitate access to services and improve the quality and cultural competence of service delivery.

Jackie Day

Jackie Day

Community health navigator role and responsibilities:

  • Helps members of the community navigate the healthcare system
  • Connects people with resources
  • Tracks referrals and appointments for primary care, dental, vision and more
  • Assists with housing, safety, transportation and food concerns
  • Provides guidance on health priorities and health care needs

In addition to these vital services, the community health navigator also helps to increase awareness about the importance of diverse blood, organ and tissue donations.

Support Versiti on King

Versiti on King accepts donations online or by check. If you would like to mail your donation please make the check payable to Versiti and mail it to the PO box listed below.

P.O. Box 26576
8733 W Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226

We Energies Foundation
Breanna Steele
Breanna encourages others to donate blood and give hope to sickle cell patients like her. “It helps others, especially sickle cell patients,” she says.
Markesha Grayson
In December 1994, Markesha Grayson donated a kidney to her father, saving his life. As the longest living organ donor from Froedtert Hospital, she’s on a mission to spread the word about the importance of donation.
Mario Higgins
All blood donations are valuable, and save lives. However Mario's blood is special, it's missing a certain protein and is shared by 1 in 500 African Americans, which makes it rare and unique.
Remember Who You Are Luncheon
Learn more about your African ancestry and African heritage at Versiti on King’s Remember Who You Are Luncheon.
Where to Donate Blood Near You
There are may options where you can make your blood, platelet, or plasma donation. Your donations provide hospitals in your community with precious blood products that patients desparately need.
heART of Community
Versiti gives back in more ways than blood donation. Learn how the blood center partners with community organizations to improve the health and well-being of diverse populations.