Genetic Test
aHUS/DDD Genetic Evaluation
Coding regions and splice sites of the following genes are sequenced: CFH, CFI, MCP(CD46), THBD, C4BPA, C4BPB, CFB, C3, DGKE, ADAMTS13, CFHR1, CFHR3, CFHR4 and CFHR5.
Autosomal Dominant Thrombocytopenia Panel
This panel is designed for detection of germline variants in 22 genes known to cause thrombocytopenia, specifically inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. It can be ordered as: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) only; NGS with reflex to Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH); NGS with concurrent aCGH (both testing methodologies performed simultaneously); aCGH only
BCR-ABL Breakpoint Analysis
The BCR-ABL assay can be used to monitor minimal residual disease in Philadelphia chromosome positive CML or AML patients being treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI). Must be ordered with BCR-ABL Quantitative Analysis Test Code 4502.
BCR-ABL Quantitative Analysis
The BCR-ABL assay can be used to monitor minimal residual disease in Philadelphia chromosome positive CML or AML patients being treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI).
Bernard-Soulier Syndrome Panel
This panel is designed for the detection of germline variants in 3 genes known to cause Bernard-Soulier syndrome. It can be ordered as: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) only; NGS with reflex to Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH); NGS with concurrent aCGH (both testing methodologies performed simultaneously); aCGH only
C/c Genotyping
Genotyping for the Rh C and c antigen, used in the context of hemolytic disease of the newborn or fetus
CD19 & CD56 Engraftment Analysis by Chimerism Testing
Contact laboratory if STAT testing is needed. Engraftment pre-transplant testing for informative locus is required for post-transplant and STAT testing to be possible.
CD19 Engraftment Analysis by Chimerism Testing
Contact laboratory if STAT testing is needed. Engraftment pre-transplant testing for informative locus is required for post-transplant and STAT testing to be possible.
CD3 & CD33 Engraftment Analysis by Chimerism Testing
Contact laboratory if STAT testing is needed. Engraftment pre-transplant testing for informative locus is required for post-transplant and STAT testing to be possible.
CD3 Engraftment Analysis by Chimerism Testing
Contact laboratory if STAT testing is needed. Engraftment pre-transplant testing for informative locus is required for post-transplant and STAT testing to be possible.
CD3, CD33, & CD56 Engraftment Analysis by Chimerism Testing
Contact laboratory if STAT testing is needed. Engraftment pre-transplant testing for informative locus is required for post-transplant and STAT testing to be possible.
CD33 Engraftment Analysis by Chimerism Testing
Contact laboratory if STAT testing is needed. Engraftment pre-transplant testing for informative locus is required for post-transplant and STAT testing to be possible.
CD56 Engraftment Analysis by Chimerism Testing
Contact laboratory if STAT testing is needed. Engraftment pre-transplant testing for informative locus is required for post-transplant and STAT testing to be possible.
Coagulation Disorder Panel
This panel is designed for the detection of germline variants in 19 genes and one targeted variant known to cause coagulation disorders. It can be ordered as: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) only; NGS with reflex to Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH); NGS with concurrent aCGH (both testing methodologies performed simultaneously); aCGH only
Comprehensive Bleeding Disorder Panel
This panel is designed for the detection of germline variants in 66 genes and one targeted variant by aCGH known to cause bleeding due to disorders of coagulation, platelet function, and/or hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT). It can be ordered as: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) only*; NGS with reflex to Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH); NGS with concurrent aCGH (both testing methodologies performed simultaneously); aCGH only. (* Includes PLAU performed by aCGH)
Comprehensive Platelet Disorder Panel
This panel is designed for the detection of germline variants in 63 genes known to cause platelet function disorders and/or inherited thrombocytopenia. It can be ordered as: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) only; NGS with reflex to Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH); NGS with concurrent aCGH (both testing methodologies performed simultaneously); aCGH only
Congenital Neutropenia Panel
This panel is designed for detection of germline variants in 35 genes known to cause severe congenital neutropenia (SCN), including cyclic neutropenia, non-syndromic neutropenia and syndromic neutropenia with non-hematological manifestations. It can be ordered as: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) only; NGS with reflex to Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH); NGS with concurrent aCGH (both testing methodologies performed simultaneously); aCGH only
Custom Blood Disorder Panel
Sequence analysis of genes included in any Hematology Genetics panel can be ordered as a custom panel (2-10 genes), as dictated by the patient's clinical and laboratory phenotype. It can be ordered as: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) only; NGS with reflex to Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH); NGS with concurrent aCGH (both testing methodologies performed simultaneously); aCGH only
Doa/Dob Genotyping
Genotyping for the Dombrock antigens, used in the context of hemolytic disease of the newborn or fetus
E/e Genotyping
Genotyping for the Rh E and e antigens, used in the context of hemolytic disease of the newborn or fetus
Engraftment Post-Transplant Evaluation - Blood
Contact laboratory if STAT testing is needed. Engraftment pre-transplant testing for informative locus is required for post-transplant and STAT testing to be possible.
Engraftment Post-Transplant Evaluation - Bone Marrow
Contact laboratory if STAT testing is needed. Engraftment pre-transplant testing for informative locus is required for post-transplant and STAT testing to be possible.
Engraftment Post-Transplant Evaluation - Other
Contact laboratory if STAT testing is needed. Engraftment pre-transplant testing for informative locus is required for post-transplant and STAT testing to be possible.
Engraftment/Chimerism Testing: Pre-Transplant Evaluation
Engraftment pre-transplant testing for informative locus is required for post-transplant to be possible. Pre-transplant testing is performed on donor and recipient samples. Pre-transplant order code (4020) should not be placed on same encounter as post-transplant order codes.
Erythroid Chimerism
Monitor erythroid lineage chimerism in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Hemoglobin genotyping of donor and recipient can be done by Test#4624 Hemoglobin SC Mutation Analysis. Indicate on requisition Donor and Patient genotype.
Factor V Leiden (G1691A)
This molecular test evaluates individuals for the germline Factor V Leiden variant (F5 c. 1601G7A, p.Arg534Gln; Legacy nomenclature G1691A), which is associated with an increased risk of venous thromboembolism.
Factor VIII (F8) Intron 1 Inversion Analysis
F8 intron 1 Inversion Analysis is appropriate for individuals with a family history of severe hemophilia A known to be caused by this pathogenic variant.
Factor VIII (F8) Intron 22 Inversion Analysis
F8 intron 22 Inversion Analysis is appropriate for individuals with a family history of severe hemophilia A known to be caused by this pathogenic variant.
Factor VIII (F8) Inversion Analysis
Factor 8 (F8) inversion analysis evaluates both the intron 1 and intron 22 inversions, and is recommended only for males with severe hemophilia A, or females who have a family history of severe unknown type of hemophilia A, or females with low factor VIII levels who have no known family history of hemophilia. This assay is included in the Factor VIII (F8) severe HA Analysis-Reflex test. F8 variants other than inversions are not detected by this assay.
Factor VIII (F8) Severe HA Analysis-Reflex
This testing is recommended for the detection of germline variants associated with severe Hemophilia A . Testing begins with F8 inversion Analysis; if this analysis is negative, F8 Sequence Analysis is performed at an additional charge. Refer to F8 Inversion Analysis and F8 Sequence Analysis for test information.
Fibrinogen Disorders Panel
This panel is designed for the detection of germline variants in 3 genes known to cause inherited qualitative or quantitative disorders of fibrinogen. It can be ordered as: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) only; NGS with reflex to Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH); NGS with concurrent aCGH (both testing methodologies performed simultaneously); aCGH only
Fibrinolytic Disorder Panel
This panel is designed for the detection of germline variants in 8 genes and one targeted variant known to cause delayed bleeding due to hyperfibrinolysis. It can be ordered as: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) only; NGS with reflex to Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH); NGS with concurrent aCGH (both testing methodologies performed simultaneously); aCGH only
Fya/Fyb Genotyping
Genotyping for the Duffy (Fya, Fyb) antigens, used in the context of hemolytic disease of the newborn or fetus
Glanzmann Thrombasthenia Panel
This panel is designed for the detection of germline variants in 2 genes known to cause Glanzmann thrombasthenia. It can be ordered as: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) only; NGS with reflex to Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH); NGS with concurrent aCGH (both testing methodologies performed simultaneously); aCGH only
Hemoglobin SC Mutation Analysis
Sickle Cell Disease is caused by mutations in the b-globin gene (HBB) and are defined by the presence of hemoglobin S (HbS). Molecular prenatal testing can be offered for pregnancies at increased risk.
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Panel
This panel is designed for the detection of germline variants in 6 genes known to cause hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) only; NGS with reflex to Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH); NGS with concurrent aCGH (both testing methodologies performed simultaneously); aCGH only
Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome Panel
This panel is designed for the detection of germline variants in 10 genes known to cause Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome. It can be ordered as: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) only; NGS with reflex to Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH); NGS with concurrent aCGH (both testing methodologies performed simultaneously); aCGH only
HLA Haplotype by STR
A rapid screening test for potential sibling donors for blood & marrow transplant patients. The test must be ordered for the patient and each potential donor.
HLA High Resolution Panel by NGS
High Resolution typing for HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C, HLA-DRB1, HLA-DRB3,4,5, HLA-DQA1, HLA-DQB1, HLA-DPA1, and HLA-DPB1 loci by next generation DNA sequencing (NGS).
HLA-A*02:01 Determination
Test for disorders or drug sensitivity associated with HLA-A*02:01 allele. HLA A-High Resolution Typing may be required for confirmation of the allele and an additional charge is incurred.
HLA-A29 Determination
Test for disease associated with HLA-A29 allele which may be present in Birdshot chorioretinopathy (BSCR).
HLA-B*15:02 Determination
Test for HLA-B*15:02 allele presence or absence for patients that may be prescribed Carbamazepine and Oxcarbazepine to avoid possible adverse reactions. HLA B-High Resolution Typing may be required for confirmation of the allele for an additional fee.
HLA-B*57:01 Determination
The HLA-B*57:01 Determination test utilizes a low resolution method. If a possible HLA-B*57:01 allele is identified, HLA B-High Resolution Typing may be required for confirmation of the allele and an additional charge is incurred.
HLA-B27 Determination
Test for disorders associated with HLA-B27 allele such as Spondyloarthritis.
HLA-B51 Determination
Test for disorders associated with HLA-B51 allele such as Behcet Disease (BD).
HLA-DPB1/-DPA1 Intermediate Resolution
Intermediate Resolution typing for Class II HLA-DPB1 and DPA1 loci.
HLA-DQB1,DQA1 Intermediate Resolution
Intermediate Resolution typing for Class II HLA-DQB1, DQA1 loci.
HLA-DRB1 Single Antigen - Disease Association
Identification for HLA disease associated with HLA-DRB1 allele.
HLA-DRB3,4,5 Intermediate Resolution
Intermediate Resolution typing for Class II HLA-DRB3,4,5 loci.
HLA-KIR Genotyping
DNA based typing to identify the presence of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) genes.
High Resolution typing for HLA-DQA1, HLA-DQB1 loci by next generation DNA sequencing.
Inherited Thrombocytopenia Panel
This panel is designed for the detection of germline variants in 42 genes known to cause inherited thrombocytopenia. It can be ordered as: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) only; NGS with reflex to Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH); NGS with concurrent aCGH (both testing methodologies performed simultaneously); aCGH only
Jka/Jkb Genotyping
Genotyping for the Kidd (Jka, Jkb) antigens, used in the context of hemolytic disease of the newborn or fetus
Jsa/Jsb Genotyping
Genotyping for the Kell (Jsa, Jsb) antigens, used in the context of hemolytic disease of the newborn or fetus
K/k Genotyping
Genotyping for the Kell (K, k) antigens, used in the context of hemolytic disease of the newborn or fetus
Kpa/Kpb Genotyping
Genotyping for the Kell (Kpa, Kpb) antigens, used in the context of hemolytic disease of the newborn or fetus
Lua/Lub Genotyping
Genotyping for the Lutheran (Lua, Lub) antigens, used in the context of hemolytic disease of the newborn or fetus
M/N Genotyping
Genotyping for the M and N antigens, used in the context of hemolytic disease of the newborn or fetus
MNC Separation and Engraftment Analysis
Contact laboratory if STAT testing is needed. Engraftment pre-transplant testing for informative locus is required for post-transplant and STAT testing to be possible.
Neutrophil Antigen Genotyping - HNA-1
This DNA-based typing assay is for the HNA-1 Alloantigen system.
Neutrophil Antigen Genotyping - HNA-3
This DNA-based typing assay is for the HNA-3 Alloantigen system.
Neutrophil Antigen Genotyping - HNA-4
This DNA-based typing assay is for the HNA-4 Alloantigen system.
Neutrophil Antigen Genotyping - HNA-5
This DNA-based typing assay is for the HNA-5 Alloantigen system.
Neutrophil Antigen Genotyping Panel
This genotyping panel includes: Neutrophil Antigen Genotyping for HNA-1, 3, 4 and 5.
Platelet Antigen Genotyping Panel
This genotyping panel includes 8 alloantigen systems: HPA-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 15.
Platelet Function Disorder Panel
This panel is designed for the detection of germline variants in 41 genes known to cause inherited platelet dysfunction. It can be ordered as: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) only; NGS with reflex to Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH); NGS with concurrent aCGH (both testing methodologies performed simultaneously); aCGH only
Prothrombin Gene Mutation (G20210A)
This molecular test evaluates individuals for the prothrombin G20210A variant (F2 c.*97G7>A) associated with increased risk of venous thromboembolism
Red Cell Genotyping Panel
Red Cell Genotyping Panel: 72 PCR-hybridization probes are used in 36 polymerase chain reactions to identify the alleles associated with 44 blood group antigens.
RhD Genotyping
Molecular characterization of the the RH genes as an aid to the clinical management of HDFN.
RhD Zygosity
Determining RHD zygosity of a father is valuable for the management of HDN related to anti-D. Our robust clinical assay for RHD zygosity uses molecular techniques. The assay is suitable for use in both Caucasian and African-American patients.
S/s Genotyping
Genotyping for the S and s antigens, used in the context of hemolytic disease of the newborn or fetus
Single Gene Sequence Analysis
Single-gene sequencing is offered for most genes in Versiti's Hematology Genetics menu. It can be ordered as: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) only; NGS with reflex to Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH); NGS with concurrent aCGH (both testing methodologies performed simultaneously); aCGH only
Targeted Familial Variant Analysis
Targeted genetic analysis is used to determine if a specific familial variant is present. Testing is only available for genes tested by Next Generation sequencing at Versiti Wisconsin, Inc., a sample from an affected relative must be provided a copy of the family member's lab report for the variant being tested.
Thrombosis Panel
This panel is designed for the detection of germline variants in 12 genes and 2 targeted variants known to be associated with an increased risk for developing venous thromboembolism. It can be ordered as: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) only; NGS with reflex to Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH); NGS with concurrent aCGH (both testing methodologies performed simultaneously); aCGH only
Twin Zygosity Analysis
Monozygotic twins originate from a single fertilized ovum dividing into two embryos, while dizygotic twins result from ovulation of two eggs during a single menstrual cycle.
VWD Platelet-Type Sequence Analysis
This test for platelet-type VWD provides sequencing of the full coding region (plus 30bp into the introns) of GPIBA.
VWD Type 2N Sequence Analysis
Sequence analysis of VWF exons 17-21 and 24-27 detects germline variants associated with type 2N von willebrand disease (VWD).
VWF Exon 28 Sequence Analysis (For Type 2M or 2B VWD)
Sequence Analysis of VWF exon 28 detects germline variants associated with type 2B or type 2M von Willebrand disease (VWD).