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Classmates for Organ Donation Education and Registration (CodeR)
Classmates for Organ Donation Education and Registration encourages high school students to learn more about organ, tissue and eye donation.
CodeR for Teachers
Bring the CodeR curriculum to your classroom and help your students learn more about healthy living and organ, tissue and eye donation.
CodeR for Students
Get involved with organ, tissue and eye donation and learn how you can establish a chapter of CodeR at your high school.
Student Organ Donation Advocates (SODA) helps college students become leaders and increase community support and education for organ, tissue and eye donation.
Your Community Needs Help
Of the approximately 110,000 Americans waiting for lifesaving organ transplants, more than 2,000 live in Wisconsin. The need for organ donation exists in every county and every neighborhood across Wisconsin and nationally.
Become an Organ and Tissue Donor
Learn more about how to sign up as an organ, tissue and eye donor and how organ donation saves and enhances lives in our communities.