Versiti - Jenny Havlik | Impact Stories

Jenny Havlik

“Making the decision to donate my umbilical cord and placenta was easy.”

Jenny Havlik

When Jenny Havlik learned that health issues would require her to deliver her daughter, Anya, via scheduled C-section, she was thrilled to learn it would allow her to donate her placenta and umbilical cord tissue. “I like to help others in any way I can,” she says. “Making the decision to donate my umbilical cord and placenta, rather than have them disposed of, was easy.”

Birth tissue donation, including placenta and umbilical cords, provides life-changing assistance to patients in need of skin grafts. It’s also instrumental in the research and development of new treatments for a variety of diseases.

“The staff at the hospital were so grateful for my donation,” Jenny says. “Many people don’t realize it’s an option or that it can make a difference in so many people’s lives. I would definitely encourage others to donate their placenta and umbilical cord so they can be used to help others.”

People need people, make a difference in someone’s life by donating blood.

We must rely on each other for the gift of blood, and patients in your community rely on the generosity of Versiti’s blood donors to help. Please consider scheduling an appointment to donate. If this is your first time, donating blood is quick, easy and relatively painless. And, it is a great way to give back and help patients in your community.


Impact Stories | Organ & Tissue Donation

Judges Derek Mosley and JoAnn Eiring
In 2014, Derek was diagnosed with end-stage renal disease. Already his colleague and close friend, JoAnn got tested to see if she could donate her kidney and save Derek’s life.
Nykia Julian
In 2018, Nykia Julien’s heart was beginning to fail.  Eventually, doctors told her she would not have much longer to live without a new heart.
Jesse Pagels
Jesse was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in 2003. Unfortunately, the treatment damaged his lungs. In 2013, a match was found and Jesse underwent a life-saving double lung transplant. 
Impact Stories
Your blood, organ and tissue, and other donations directly impact lives in your community. Read a few of the examples of some of the lives that have been changed for the better.