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Donado Sangre 101


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Todos los días, los pacientes de su comunidad necesitan transfusiones de sangre para sobrevivir y prosperar. Dependen de la generosidad de donantes como usted, que ayudan a garantizar un suministro de sangre seguro y saludable. Concierte una cita para donar sangre hoy.

Blood Donation FAQs
Read frequently asked questions involving donor eligibility, donation process, blood safety, platelet donation, plasma donation and more.
Blood Types Explained
Find the facts about different blood types, from A+ to O-. Learn more about why people have different blood types before your next blood donation.
Types of Donations
Volunteer to donate blood at a blood donation center near you. Find out how often you can donate blood and make an appointment to donate today.
Importance of Diverse Donors
Diverse blood donations improve blood transfusion outcomes for sickle cell patients and diverse blood recipients. Make an appointment to donate blood.