Versiti - The Beacon Club for Blood Drive Hosts | Versiti

Beacon for Life

Our blood drive coordinator loyalty program recognizes coordinators for their selfless, lifesaving efforts.

Join us and be a Beacon for Life! Get recognized for your commitment to saving lives throughout the year by celebrating your blood drive hosting milestones.


Versiti Celebrates Dedicated Beacon For Life Coordinators

You, as a Beacon For Life, are an extension of Versiti and an ambassador in your community for our mission! As part of being a Beacon for Life and your commitment to saving lives by hosting blood drives, you’ll experience:

  • Helpful email tips to blood drive success
  • Our exclusive monthly Beacon newsletter
  • Opportunity to share your story and be highlighted in our newsletter or on social media
  • Personal recognition from your Account Representative

Earn Versiti Rewards

Additionally, you can earn your choice of new and improved Versiti swag for hosting multiple blood drives in 2024! Beacon for Life coordinators who host four or more drives in a single calendar year will receive a special recognition gift based on the number of drives hosted.

  • 4+ blood drives: Versiti tote bags or tumbler
  • 6+ blood drives: Versiti shirts
  • 10+ blood drives: Versiti pullovers

New Beacon for Life

Are you interested in becoming a Beacon for Life coordinator? All first-time coordinators will receive an exclusive Beacon for Life welcome pin, tumbler, social badge and certificate.

End of Year Recognition Gala

Versiti will be recognizing our top Beacon for Life coordinators by hosting in-person gala dinners and award ceremonies in November 2024. 


Every day, patients in your community need blood transfusions to survive and thrive. They rely on the generosity of donors like you, who help ensure a safe, healthy blood supply. Make an appointment to donate blood today.

Host A Blood Drive
Blood drive organizations save lives. Learn how to host a blood drive in your community with Versiti.
Volunteering with Versiti
Versiti volunteers provide an invaluable service to our lifesaving mission. Learn more about Versiti’s volunteer services and how you can serve your community.
Importance of Diverse Donors
Diverse blood donations improve blood transfusion outcomes for sickle cell patients and diverse blood recipients. Make an appointment to donate blood.

Versiti invites you to share your story and photo to help encourage more people to give back. You may even be featured throughout the year on our social media.

HIPAA and Other Required Forms

Please download and complete the Media Release Form, HIPAA Release Form, and Public Disclosure of Health Information forms. If you have any questions on how to complete the HIPAA release form please refer to the informational handout. After you have completed the necessary forms upload them using the links below.

Photo Upload

Upload your photos that you would like us to use to feature your story. Please be sure to check the photo use agreement box below the upload options.

* Fields are required.

Thank you for contributing the time and effort to host a blood drive with Versiti Blood Centers. Participating with us means that your organization provides tremendous benefits to people who need blood, including accident victims, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, premature babies, patients undergoing surgery and many others in need of blood transfusions. As a Versiti Blood Drive Host you will be provided exclusive access to our online blood drive management system. Inside, you will be able to:

  • Schedule and view your blood drives.
  • Manage donor appointments.
  • View drive activity for current and past drives scheduled in the system.
  • Track results for your blood drives.
  • Communicate with current and prospective donors via email.

Generally, as a blood drive coordinator, it is up to you to find an appropriate location for your blood drive. However, our teams also have the ability to host a drive on a bus, which just needs ample parking space outside of your building.

Gifts will be based on the current calendar year and will be delivered by the Account Rep that services your area. Gifts can be expected sometime in February of the following year.

As part of this exclusive club, you will join a community of dedicated blood drive hosts who are all doing their part to positively impact the lives of those in need. You, as a Host Coordinator, are an extension of Versiti and an ambassador in your community for our mission! To qualify, you simply need to host a blood drive during a single calendar year.

Ideally, planning 8 to 12 weeks before the actual date works best. This gives you time to organize and recruit, helping to ensure a successful drive. Smaller windows of time can be accommodated. Again, this is something you can discuss with our staff.

A minimum of 20 donors is needed to host a blood drive. Our largest drives host over 200 donors. Most smaller drives are held over a 4-hour period; larger drives can stretch over a longer time.

It takes about 60 minutes from registration to refreshments in the café. The actual blood donation time is approximately 10 minutes.

Our blood drive planning timeline checklist offers a checklist of what you should do and when, but here’s an overview to ensure that your blood drive will go as smoothly as possible:

  • First, contact Versiti in your preferred region (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin) or complete a blood drive interest form and discuss possible dates and the size of your group. If you plan to host the drive at your facility, our staff will stop by to look at the room you have selected to ensure there is adequate space, lighting, outlets, etc.
  • Then, we recommend forming a committee to divide duties such as logistics, recruiting and decorating. Versiti staff will provide drive materials and will remain in contact with you to answer any questions.
  • On the day of the drive, Versiti's mobile crew will arrive before the start of your drive to set up all equipment. After your drive has ended, our crew will break down all equipment and transport it away.

Versiti Blood Centers appreciates the effort it takes to organize and promote a blood drive, therefore, we are able to recognize up to 3 coordinators if they all do equal work annually on the drives.

The Beacon Club recognizes blood and platelet donors as well as blood drive host’s commitment to saving lives throughout the year. Everyone is welcome in The Beacon Club, and everyone is needed! In fact, the club’s goal is to track your donation milestones and celebrate with you as you continue to a make a difference again and again. There is no application or form to fill out to join, simply support our missions throughout the calendar year – and all who qualify will be recognized. For more information, check out Versiti’s Beacon Club page.

Getting donors committed to giving is absolutely critical. Studies have shown that the main reason people haven’t donated blood is that no one asked them. Forming a committee and personally asking people — even signing them up for donation times — is the best way to ensure that you’ll achieve your goal. If there is someone from the organization with a personal story about needing blood, ask if they are willing to share their story. Real stories can create a personal connection and provide further motivation for blood donation.


Many businesses hold regular blood drives that range from a commitment of 20-200+ donors. They are held on-site at your place of business, usually in a conference room, lunchroom or other open space. If you don’t have space, we also have mobile buses that can be parked outside of your organization. We take donations right on the vehicle!


High schools and colleges host regular blood drives and represent more than 20% of all blood drives. Hosting a drive at your school instills a legacy that will be passed along to future classes. And, they’re a lot of fun! Learn about our Leaders for Life program for high school and college hosts.

Community and Civic Organizations

Donors are more likely to donate blood when they feel comfortable and are with people they know, which is why many community and civic organizations host blood drives. Different types of groups include:

  • Community or city-wide drives
  • Civic organizations, such as Lions or Elks clubs
  • Faith-based organizations
  • Mom's groups or other special-interest groups that host drives to honor or commemorate an individual

Hosting a blood drive has several direct benefits:

  • Your donations are of crucial importance for local hospitals. Everyone in your group – from organizers to donors – can feel good about helping patients who depend on receiving that blood.
  • Hosting a blood drive can be a very visible extension of your organization’s values because it shows that you are working together for the good of the community.
  • Individuals who work together to plan the drive can benefit from the leadership experience it provides.
  • Some organizations find that hosting a blood drive brings their entire group together because there is an opportunity to rally around a very real and important community cause.
Community Beacon of Hope Badge
Blood drive hosts and community organizations can earn a free Versiti badge to display on your website as a reward. Download your badge to show your impact.
About Blood Donation
Donate blood, donate plasma or donate platelets at a blood donation center near you or a blood drive near you. Make an appointment to donate blood today.
Importance of Diverse Donors
Diverse blood donations improve blood transfusion outcomes for sickle cell patients and diverse blood recipients. Make an appointment to donate blood.
Resources and Forms
Browse Versiti’s library of resources, including test requisitions and descriptions, blood donor information, educational materials, and more.