Michael Rahlf
“This is something that has changed my life for the better and I know that it has changed my friend’s life for the better.”
Michael Rahlf
Barb Goeckner
In 2012, Barb Goeckner donated a kidney on behalf of her sister as part of a paired exchange of three donors and three recipients. Now, she encourages others to register as organ and tissue donors and consider becoming living donors.
Jamice Rollins
Kenia was just 18 years old when she tragically passed away after experiencing breathing problems. Her family made the selfless decision to donate her organs and tissues and give others the gift of life.
Danny Crowley
In 2019, during a meditative trip to India, Danny Crowley made the selfless decision to pursue living kidney donation. “My motivations were purely altruistic—I can help somebody,” he says.
Jarvis Hightower
In 2021, Jarvis Hightower received a lifesaving double-lung transplant to cure his sarcoidosis. The transplant has greatly improved his quality of life, and he’s eternally grateful to his donor.