Versiti - Taylor Babec | Impact Stories

Taylor Babec

“Every time you donate blood, you are potentially saving a life—a life like mine.”

Taylor Babec

When she was a young child, Taylor Babec was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. As part of her treatment to beat cancer, Taylor received 22 blood transfusions to help her body recover from the grueling chemotherapy. After three years of treatment, Taylor was declared cancer-free.

As a childhood cancer survivor, Taylor grew up happy and healthy and even played on her high school volleyball team. She and her family organize community blood drives throughout the Chicago area and highlight how blood donors and blood donations help save the lives of patients in our community and beyond.

“It is very important for eligible donors to donate,” says Taylor. “Every time you donate, you are potentially saving a life, a life like mine. I urge you to donate as frequently as possible, knowing there is a little kid out there waiting for you to help them.”

People need people, make a difference in someone’s life by donating blood.

We must rely on each other for the gift of blood, and patients in your community rely on the generosity of Versiti’s blood donors to help. Please consider scheduling an appointment to donate. If this is your first time, donating blood is quick, easy and relatively painless. And, it is a great way to give back and help patients in your community.

Impact Stories | Blood Donation

Gia Danninger
Gia was diagnosed with aplastic anemia at 5 years old and received blood transfusions to prepare her body for a bone marrow transplant. Now 11, she’s doing well and her mother, Jenna, is grateful to everyone who helped her daughter.
Martha Sullivan
Martha thought she just had the common cold, after a late-night trip to the ER she found out it was much more series, leukemia.
Whole Blood Donation
Volunteer to donate blood at a blood donation center near you. Find out how often you can donate blood and make an appointment to donate today.
Host A Blood Drive
Blood drive organizations save lives. Learn how to host a blood drive in your community with Versiti.
Impact Stories
Your blood, organ and tissue, and other donations directly impact lives in your community. Read a few of the examples of some of the lives that have been changed for the better.
Ways to Give
You can support Versiti’s mission in several ways, including donating blood, hosting a blood drive, joining the organ and tissue donor registry, and more.