Versiti - Versiti Launches New Anti-von Willebrand Factor Antibody Assay | Press Releases

Press Release

Versiti Launches New Anti-von Willebrand Factor Antibody Assay

Milwaukee — May 31, 2023

Groundbreaking Test Identifies More Potential Pathways for anti-VWF Antibody Detection

Versiti, a national leader in blood health innovation, has announced the launch of the organization's groundbreaking Anti-von Willebrand Factor (VWF) Antibody Assay. Developed through research performed at the Versiti Blood Research Institute, this first-of-its-kind assay will assist clinicians in identifying patients suspected of having a rare bleeding disorder called acquired von Willebrand Disease (aVWD).

The diagnostic journey of aVWD can be challenging for clinicians and patients, especially in cases where all available testing options have been exhausted and yield inconclusive results. Typically, the von Willebrand factor (VWF) inhibitor assay has been utilized when autoimmunity to VWF was suspected; however, this assay is unable to rule out an anti-VWF antibody due to its functional focus on GPIb platelet binding.

This new VWF Antibody Assay from Versiti overcomes this limitation by identifying more potential pathways for anti-VWF antibody detection by detecting both inhibitory and non-inhibitory antibodies that bind VWF, leading to increased clearance and thus supporting a diagnosis of aVWD.

“There are multiple mechanisms by which a patient can develop acquired von Willebrand disease. This new assay allows a way to specifically determine whether a patient with acquired von Willebrand disease has the disorder due to an autoimmune mechanism,” said Dr. Kenneth Friedman, investigator and senior medical director of hematology for Versiti. “The ability to confirm the mechanism will ultimately help to inform doctors and guide treatment plans, leading to improved patient outcomes.”

Patients who may benefit from this assay will present with a recent history of unexplained bleeding symptoms and low VWF activity and may or may not have another pre-existing condition. It may also be utilized for patients with type 3 von Willebrand disease suspected of developing an antibody to VWF replacement therapy.

Versiti, headquartered in Milwaukee, has more than 2,000 employees at its locations in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin. For more information, visit


About Versiti

Versiti is a world-class blood health organization with locations across the Midwest. Headquartered in Milwaukee, Versiti was formed with a mission of service to improve patient outcomes, advance the field of personalized medicine and strengthen the health of communities everywhere. We are deeply rooted in the communities we serve, providing innovative, value-added solutions in the fields of transfusion medicine, transplantation, and blood-related diseases. From research and diagnostic testing to the sharing of lifesaving gifts through blood, organ and tissue donation, the collective efforts across Versiti result in improved patient outcomes and expanded access to care, advancing the field of personalized medicine. For more information, visit

Media Contact
Kristin Paltzer
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Anti-VWF Antibody IgG and IgM

This assay quantifies anti-VWF antibodies IgG and IgM using an ELISA plate method to support diagnosis of acquired von Willebrand disease. USA test status: This is a laboratory developed test (LDT).

About Us
Versiti is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) blood health organization with locations across the Midwest. Its world-class capabilities blood donation, innovative research and state-of-the-art diagnostic testing.