Versiti - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

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Find answers to all of your questions, including whether or not you are able to donate blood, why you may be deferred from donating blood, information about Versiti Diagnostic Labs, updates about Versiti Blood Research Institute, and more.

No, you are automatically enrolled once you donate or host a drive.

Under Ways to Give, then Beacon Club Loyalty Program.

YES! Employees can participate in The Beacon Club programs, including platelet, Ro, and host programs. The only exception is sweepstakes.  Unfortunately, the official rules prohibit employees from winning.

Please reach out to your states contact center or email us at so we can answer your questions and/or send any gifts as part of the programs (gifts are based on program participation and will determine eligibility).

If you did not receive your gallon pin at your last milestone donation, you can ask for it at your next donation, or call you states contact center, or email us at with the pin needed.  Pins can take up to 4 weeks to mail to our home once requested via our contact center or email.

At this time, we are only providing gallon pins for the gallon achieved in the current year.

Gallons are now based on units collected.  Your gallons will include your historical Versiti donations and any outside donations from other blood centers (if you have provided us this information).  Versiti products and outside products = your lifetime products.  Lifetime products are then divided by 8 to get your gallon. We use eight (8) pints to equal one (1) gallon.

We feel this is a more accurate representation of your lifetime of donating and the lives you have saved.  Life is precious, donation is vital, and all of your gifts are important.

Simply contact your states contact center and they will update your donor profile.  It may take up to 10 business days for the gallons to update with this new information.

Gallons are the units you provided over your lifetime of donating with Versiti and other blood centers (if you have provided us with this information).  Lifetime donations are the number of visits to a donor center or mobile drive for a completed donation with Versiti only and does not include the units collected or outside donations.

You can find both of these on your Donor Snapshot when you log into the Versiti donor portal or you can call your states contact centers and ask for this information.

No, we will honor the information provided. Life is precious, donation is vital, and all of your gifts are important.

Please reach out to your states contact center or email us at so we can discuss and resolve your concern.

Babesia Testing

If you spend time outdoors or up north during Wisconsin summers, then you probably know about deer ticks. Their bites can be a nuisance for people and pets, and some deer ticks carry Lyme disease and Babesia. 

Babesia infects red blood cells and causes Babesiosis, which can be a severe, life-threatening disease in infants, elderly, people with weak immune systems and other serious health conditions. While many people who carry Babesia feel fine and show no effects, others can develop flu-like symptoms such as fever, body aches, nausea and fatigue. 

Wisconsin is a prime spot for deer ticks, along with Minnesota and the northeast part of the United States. Babesia is the most commonly documented cause of transfusion-transmitted infection. Summer, and in particularly July, is when most cases of Babesia are reported.

Blood Safety

Red blood cells can be stored for 42 days before it expires and must be destroyed. Plasma can be frozen for up to 12 months. Platelets must be transfused within 5 days of being donated.

Yes, donating blood is completely safe. You cannot contract any diseases from donating blood. A sterile kit is used once to collect your blood and is then thrown away. Versiti is committed to the safety of our donors.

Yes. The blood supply is the safest it’s ever been, especially since the implementation of nucleic acid amplification testing (NAT). NAT is a more sensitive gene-based test used to screen blood for HIV and hepatitis B and C. Fifteen tests (including 11 for infectious diseases) are performed on each unit of donated blood to ensure its safety for patients.

After we collect your blood, it is sent to Versiti labs for testing. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that all donated blood undergo a series of lab tests before it is given to patients. We perform 15 separate tests on each unit of donated blood, which includes tests for sexually transmitted diseases, West Nile virus, hepatitis and other illnesses. If a unit of blood passes all these tests, it is safe for patients.

Coronavirus Disease

Effective March 20, 2022, masks will not be required in our donor centers due to lower COVID cases in our communities and current CDC recommendations. Masks may be required at a community blood drive if located in a facility that requires them or per host request.

There is no wait period for receiving a COVID vaccination.

As of April 4, 2021 Versiti will stop testing for the COVID Antibody on blood donations due to improved COVID rates across our communities and increased access to vaccinations.  

The donation process itself poses no risk of infecting a donor with coronavirus. If you’d like to donate blood, you are able to as long as you’ve been symptom free for 10 days. We are monitoring and adhering to guidance from the FDA. For more information, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Donation Process

Yes. The following forms of identification with a photo and birth date are acceptable:

  • Driver’s license
  • State-issued ID
  • Student ID card
  • Passport, visa or green card

The process for donating whole blood takes about an hour from the time you walk in the door to the time you leave. This includes registration, a brief medical screening, blood collection and refreshments. 

Collecting one unit of whole blood only takes about 10 minutes; however, you can expect to spend more time donating products like red cells, platelets and plasma (also known as apheresis procedures).

All donated blood products undergo a series of tests to ensure they are safe for patients to receive and are typically available for use 24-48 hours following donation. Whole blood is separated into components (red cells, platelets and plasma) and after processing, the red cells can be stored for 42 days. Plasma can be frozen and stored for up to 12 months. Platelets expire after 5 days.

Donating blood does not hurt, though you might feel a pinch when the needle first goes into your arm. In that moment, think about the patients you're helping who rely on the generosity of people like you to feel healthy. You may experience discomfort for a few seconds, but you'll have the lasting reward of knowing you saved a life. 


Nearly 30 states (including Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin) permit 16-year-olds to donate blood with consent from a parent/guardian. These donors must be in good health and meet the minimum criteria to donate. Please refer to the height and weight chart to verify donor eligibility. By becoming a blood donor, your son or daughter shows great civic responsibility, maturity and community pride.

View or download donor forms like the Medication Deferral List, Parental Consent Form, and educational resources from our Resources Library.

Most medications will not defer you from donating blood. Before you make an appointment, however, check our medication deferral list.

If you are currently taking antibiotics for an infection, you will be eligible to donate two days after your course of treatment is complete.

View or download donor forms like the Medication Deferral List, Parental Consent Form, and educational resources from our Resources Library.

Pregnant women are not eligible to donate blood - your body needs all the nutrients it can get! We recommend speaking with your doctor at your 6-week postpartum appointment to verify whether or not it is OK for you to start donating blood again.

Women who are breastfeeding are eligible to donate. Most nursing mothers say that eating a healthy meal before donating and staying hydrated before, during and after helps ensure a successful donation.

There is no wait period for receiving a COVID vaccination.

The short answer is yes. There are some exceptions that may defer you from donating, including:

  • If you have traveled to an area affected by malaria in the past year, we ask that you wait three months from the time you returned home before donating blood. 
  • If you have ever had malaria, you must be symptom-free for three years.

View or download donor forms like the Medication Deferral List, Parental Consent Form, and educational resources from our Resources Library.

Nearly 30 states (including Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ohio) have permitted blood donations from 16-year-old donors and many have been accepting those donors for years.

View or download donor forms like the Medication Deferral List, Parental Consent Form, and educational resources from our Resources Library.

Get a good night’s sleep, eat a healthy meal and stay hydrated before, during and after your appointment.

View or download donor forms like the Medication Deferral List, Parental Consent Form, and educational resources from our Resources Library.

Time restrictions between blood donations are placed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for your safety. You can donate the following:

  • Whole blood: every 56 days (8 weeks)
  • Red cells: every 112 days (16 weeks)
  • Platelets: every 14 days (2 weeks)
  • Plasma: every 28 days (4 weeks)

You can donate whole blood every 56 days or eight weeks, up to six times per year.

As long as your tattoo or piercing has healed and was done in a state-licensed facility, you are able to donate blood. If it was not done at a state-licensed facility or has not healed, a three-month waiting period is required before you are eligible to donate blood.

People of all genders and sexual orientations may be eligible to donate under the 2023 FDA guidelines if eligibility criteria are met. Learn more.

There are a few additional conditions that may prevent you from donating, including:

  • Receiving any blood transfusions in the last three months.
  • A history of hepatitis B or C
  • High risk for HIV/AIDS
  • If you've ever taken Tegison
  • If you used needles to take anything not prescribed by your physician in the past 3 months.

The following forms of ID with a birth date and photo will be accepted:

  • Driver’s license
  • State-issued ID card
  • Student identification card
  • Passport, visa or green card

Parental consent forms for 16-year-old donors in Indiana and Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin are available from staff at all blood drives and donor centers. High school blood drives will receive copies of consent forms from a Versiti donor recruiter prior to the scheduled drive.

View or download donor forms like the Medication Deferral List, Parental Consent Form, and educational resources from our Resources Library.

Individuals aged 17 and older who are in good health and not experiencing symptoms of cold or flu may donate blood. Donors who are 16 years old may donate but must have parent/guardian permission. There is no maximum age for donation.

Donors must weigh at least 110 lbs to donate.* Donors aged 16-18 have special height and weight requirements, view the chart for more information.

According to state statutes, parental consent is required for 16-year-olds, but not 17-year-olds. Some schools require parental consent forms for 17-year-old donors, but Versiti is not required by law to collect parental consent from 17-year-olds. 

This is a volunteer opportunity like no other. Versiti is the only provider of blood to the community hospitals where you live and work. Medical technology has provided many life-saving discoveries over the years, but there is still no substitute for blood. In a medical emergency, often the most important element is the availability of blood.

Your blood donation can help:

  • Trauma victims
  • Surgery patients
  • Premature babies
  • People with anemia

Hemoglobin and Blood Count

Low blood counts can have a number of causes and they vary between women and men.

Causes for low blood count in women:

The most common cause of low blood count in women who are premenopausal, is iron deficiency caused by menstrual blood loss. Women of childbearing age have high iron requirements because of the extra iron needed for menstruation and pregnancy. Eating iron-rich foods may be sufficient to correct iron deficiency in some individuals; however, some women will need to take oral iron supplements in order to increase their blood count enough to donate blood. 

If you are a post-menopausal woman and not donating three or more times per year, your blood count may still be within the normal range for women, but not high enough to donate blood. Please note that the lower end of normal range for non-African-American women is 11.3 gm/dl and for African-American women is 10.5 gm/dl. If the test performed today indicated that your blood count is below normal range, you may need to see your personal physician for further testing to determine the cause of your low blood count.

Causes for low blood count in men:

If you are not donating three or more times per year, your deferral today indicates that you may have a medical condition which is causing your low blood count.  In men, a blood count below 13 gm/dl is considered anemic. Your personal physician can perform additional testing to confirm the cause of your low blood count and determine its cause.

Taking an iron tablet can be beneficial in helping to replace the iron lost in the process of donating blood. Multivitamins with iron generally contain small amounts of iron, but can be sufficient if taken daily. There are also a number of stronger oral iron pills available over the counter at most drug stores. These pills replace the lost iron more rapidly and are generally less expensive than multivitamins. If you choose to take an oral iron tablet, your physician or pharmacist can provide more specific information about the advantages and disadvantages of different oral iron supplements, and help you decide which may be best for you.

A low blood count is the most common reason that potential donors are not able to donate (deferral). The blood taken prior to donation provides a hemoglobin value. You were deferred because your blood count (hemoglobin value) was below the lower limit of acceptability to donate, which is 13 gm/dl for men, and 12.5 gm/dl for women.

Host a Blood Drive

Thank you for contributing the time and effort to host a blood drive with Versiti Blood Centers. Participating with us means that your organization provides tremendous benefits to people who need blood, including accident victims, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, premature babies, patients undergoing surgery and many others in need of blood transfusions. As a Versiti Blood Drive Host you will be provided exclusive access to our online blood drive management system. Inside, you will be able to:

  • Schedule and view your blood drives.
  • Manage donor appointments.
  • View drive activity for current and past drives scheduled in the system.
  • Track results for your blood drives.
  • Communicate with current and prospective donors via email.

Generally, as a blood drive coordinator, it is up to you to find an appropriate location for your blood drive. However, our teams also have the ability to host a drive on a bus, which just needs ample parking space outside of your building.

Gifts will be based on the current calendar year and will be delivered by the Account Rep that services your area. Gifts can be expected sometime in February of the following year.

As part of this exclusive club, you will join a community of dedicated blood drive hosts who are all doing their part to positively impact the lives of those in need. You, as a Host Coordinator, are an extension of Versiti and an ambassador in your community for our mission! To qualify, you simply need to host a blood drive during a single calendar year.

Ideally, planning 8 to 12 weeks before the actual date works best. This gives you time to organize and recruit, helping to ensure a successful drive. Smaller windows of time can be accommodated. Again, this is something you can discuss with our staff.

A minimum of 20 donors is needed to host a blood drive. Our largest drives host over 200 donors. Most smaller drives are held over a 4-hour period; larger drives can stretch over a longer time.

It takes about 60 minutes from registration to refreshments in the café. The actual blood donation time is approximately 10 minutes.

Our blood drive planning timeline checklist offers a checklist of what you should do and when, but here’s an overview to ensure that your blood drive will go as smoothly as possible:

  • First, contact Versiti in your preferred region (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin) or complete a blood drive interest form and discuss possible dates and the size of your group. If you plan to host the drive at your facility, our staff will stop by to look at the room you have selected to ensure there is adequate space, lighting, outlets, etc.
  • Then, we recommend forming a committee to divide duties such as logistics, recruiting and decorating. Versiti staff will provide drive materials and will remain in contact with you to answer any questions.
  • On the day of the drive, Versiti's mobile crew will arrive before the start of your drive to set up all equipment. After your drive has ended, our crew will break down all equipment and transport it away.

Versiti Blood Centers appreciates the effort it takes to organize and promote a blood drive, therefore, we are able to recognize up to 3 coordinators if they all do equal work annually on the drives.

The Beacon Club recognizes blood and platelet donors as well as blood drive host’s commitment to saving lives throughout the year. Everyone is welcome in The Beacon Club, and everyone is needed! In fact, the club’s goal is to track your donation milestones and celebrate with you as you continue to a make a difference again and again. There is no application or form to fill out to join, simply support our missions throughout the calendar year – and all who qualify will be recognized. For more information, check out Versiti’s Beacon Club page.

Getting donors committed to giving is absolutely critical. Studies have shown that the main reason people haven’t donated blood is that no one asked them. Forming a committee and personally asking people — even signing them up for donation times — is the best way to ensure that you’ll achieve your goal. If there is someone from the organization with a personal story about needing blood, ask if they are willing to share their story. Real stories can create a personal connection and provide further motivation for blood donation.


Many businesses hold regular blood drives that range from a commitment of 20-200+ donors. They are held on-site at your place of business, usually in a conference room, lunchroom or other open space. If you don’t have space, we also have mobile buses that can be parked outside of your organization. We take donations right on the vehicle!


High schools and colleges host regular blood drives and represent more than 20% of all blood drives. Hosting a drive at your school instills a legacy that will be passed along to future classes. And, they’re a lot of fun! Learn about our Leaders for Life program for high school and college hosts.

Community and Civic Organizations

Donors are more likely to donate blood when they feel comfortable and are with people they know, which is why many community and civic organizations host blood drives. Different types of groups include:

  • Community or city-wide drives
  • Civic organizations, such as Lions or Elks clubs
  • Faith-based organizations
  • Mom's groups or other special-interest groups that host drives to honor or commemorate an individual

Hosting a blood drive has several direct benefits:

  • Your donations are of crucial importance for local hospitals. Everyone in your group – from organizers to donors – can feel good about helping patients who depend on receiving that blood.
  • Hosting a blood drive can be a very visible extension of your organization’s values because it shows that you are working together for the good of the community.
  • Individuals who work together to plan the drive can benefit from the leadership experience it provides.
  • Some organizations find that hosting a blood drive brings their entire group together because there is an opportunity to rally around a very real and important community cause.

LGTBQ+ Donor Eligibility

Under the 2023 FDA guidance eligibility will be based on the new guidelines that consider anal sex with new or multiple partners in the last three months regardless of sexual orientation. So if you have been deferred for having sex with a man in the past that deferral is terminated and you are eligible to donate if you meet all current criteria.

Yes. If your permanent deferral was because of MSM contact, you may be eligible to donate now.

Yes, if you have been with your partner more than three months. Under the 2023 FDA guidance eligibility will be based on the new guidelines that consider anal sex with new or multiple partners in the last three months regardless of sexual orientation

Unfortunately, no, the FDA guidance does not allow us to consider condom use. While an excellent sexual health practice, condom use isn’t included as an evidence-based method of screening donors because condoms are not always effective and can break or slip. The new screening questions are not comprehensive in asking about safe sexual practices, such as condom use, that can effectively mitigate the risk of acquiring HIV.   The updated questions are designed to be applied as broadly as possible to screen a large number of potential donors and identify the possibility of new exposures to certain viruses within the window period of testing platforms.

Yes. Under the 2023 FDA guidance eligibility will be based on the new guidelines that consider anal sex with new or multiple partners in the last three months regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

Yes. Under the 2023 FDA guidance eligibility will be based on the new guidelines that consider anal sex with new or multiple partners in the last three months regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation

Donor eligibility criteria for transgender donors aren’t affected by whether or not you’ve had any kind of gender-affirmation surgery.

There is no deferral for HRT that has been prescribed to you by a physician. However, if you are taking acne medication to treat side effects of testosterone HRT, you may be deferred. Check the medication deferral list  to confirm your eligibility.

Yes. Every donated unit of blood, platelets and plasma undergoes rigorous testing for a number of infectious diseases, including HIV, hepatitis and more. If a unit of blood passes these tests, it is considered safe for patients.

No. If you are currently taking medication to prevent HIV infection (such as PreP, PEP, Truvada, Descovy, Apretude) you are not eligible to donate. Those who take oral PrEP or PEP are deferred from donation for three months from their most recent use. For those who have received PrEP by injection, the deferral is two years from the most recent injection. These medications are important to sexual health. If you are currently taking medication to prevent HIV infection you should not stop the medication for the purpose of donating blood.

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a highly effective medication regimen used for HIV prevention.   In people taking PrEP or post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), low levels of HIV may be missed by current testing methods. The blood community relies on accurate HIV testing as part of its multilayered approach to safety. There needs to be more research on how PrEP and PEP affect HIV testing

There are lots of ways to get involved in Versiti’s lifesaving mission, including:

Iron for Blood Donors

No! Hemoglobin is the protein that functions within red blood cells to carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Iron is an essential mineral important for the structure and function of hemoglobin and several other proteins in the body. 

No, if the iron supplementation is taken as recommended.

Approximately 6 months or more with a healthy diet. 1-2 months with an iron supplement.

Yes. Replace iron loss by taking an oral iron supplement daily for 60 days immediately following your blood donation. We recommend taking an over-the-counter (OTC) supplement or multivitamin containing 18mg of elemental iron per day.

Your hemoglobin level tells us how many red blood cells are circulating in your body right now, and how much will be left after you donate one unit of blood. 

When iron is measured by ferritin level, it is an indicator of the body’s total iron stores and therefore your capacity to make more red blood cells to replace the ones you’ve donated. 

Ferritin testing must be performed at a laboratory and cannot be performed at the time of your donation. Blood Centers are now evaluating how to utilize this test in assessing a donor’s ability to be a frequent blood donor.

It is important to keep a healthy iron level so your body can build new red blood cells daily and also replace those you donate. Iron is also important for normal growth and development, energy level
and brain function.

Plasma Donation

Minimally, if at all. Plasma donation feels similar to a regular blood donation.

No. FDA regulations prohibit paying blood donors since the blood collected directly benefits patients in hospitals through transfusions. Plasma centers that compensate their contributors can do so because every contributor’s plasma is pooled and manufactured into medications and distributed globally. In contrast, blood donations at Versiti impact your local community.

  • Get rest
  • Drink fluids
  • Eat a healthy meal
  • Download the app to speed up your questionnaire and to easily schedule your next appointment
  • Download a podcast, audio book or movie to enjoy during your donation

The actual process only takes about 20-25 minutes, but you can expect to spend about an hour and a half with us. That means you can…

  • Catch up on your TV shows
  • Read a book
  • Sit back and relax

You can donate plasma every 4 weeks. All blood types can donate plasma, but AB types are the universal plasma donors. Only 3% of the U.S. population have it.

Plasma is a liquid part of blood that carries proteins, hormones and other nutrients throughout the body. It is the biggest blood component, making up 55% of your total blood volume. A healthy supply of plasma in the body:

  • Protects from infection
  • Helps maintain a healthy blood pressure
  • Promotes clotting when you get a cut

  • Feel good about giving back? Tell the world and encourage others on social. Spread the word on social with #SaveLivesDonatePlasma and tag @versiti
  • Relax and enjoy a yummy snack
  • Schedule your next donation
  • Drink lots of fluids and avoid alcohol
  • You’ve earned a break - avoid vigorous exercise for the rest of the day

  • Check-in: Bring verification of your identity — a driver’s license, donor ID card or government-issued ID card
  • Health questionnaire and initial screening
  • Get settled in your comfy donation chair
  • The phlebotomist will give you a quick stick
  • A process called apheresis (ay-fur-ee-sis) uses a slow, steady and sophisticated machine to take the plasma out of your blood and give you back the other components through the same arm
  • Before you know it, your donation is over
  • You will get snacks and a drink for post-donation pick-me-up

Nearly 10,000 units of plasma are needed daily in the U.S. – and nearly 4 million a year. Your plasma donations go to:

  • Transplant recipients
  • Burn and Trauma patients
  • Cancer warriors
  • Patients with hemophilia and other bleeding disorders

Platelet Donation

Platelet donations are a special type of blood donation. Our blood is made up of different parts, also called components: red cells, plasma, and platelets. Of the three, platelets are considered a precious resource – not only do they make up a small fraction of our blood, but platelets only last for five to seven days outside of the body. That means when a donor gets up after their donation, the platelets they leave behind will be used by a patient in a local hospital within the week.

All you have to do is make an appointment at one of our donor centers!

Platelets can be donated up to 24 times a year, and we usually ask donors to wait two weeks between appointments. The small percentage of platelets that you donate will be quickly replenished by your body.

Platelet donations are a special type of blood donation. Our blood is made up of different parts, also called components: red cells, plasma, and platelets. Of the three, platelets are considered a precious resource – not only do they make up a small fraction of our blood, but platelets only last for 5-7 days outside of the body. That means when a donor gets up after their donation, the platelets they leave behind will be used by a patient in a local hospital within the week.

Platelets can live for 5-7 days outside the body.

Donors of all blood types are encouraged to donate! Donors give platelets through a process called apheresis, which we explain in another section below.

Anyone who has ever been pregnant is encouraged to offer up their arm for a regular blood donation (called a ‘whole blood’ donation) and let staff know they’re interested in donating platelets. A small sample of blood will be taken for testing to see if they’re eligible. The reasoning behind this is that certain antibodies can develop during pregnancy that are harmful if transfused into certain patients. Unfortunately, these antibodies are present forever, so if a donor tests positive for them they will be unable to donate platelets. That being said, those donors are still eligible to donate other components!

Anyone who has ever been pregnant is encouraged to offer up their arm for a regular blood donation (called a ‘whole blood’ donation) and let staff know they’re interested in donating platelets. A small sample of blood will be taken for testing to see if they’re eligible. The reasoning behind this is that certain antibodies can develop during pregnancy that are harmful if transfused into certain patients. Unfortunately, these antibodies are present forever, so if a donor tests positive for them they will be unable to donate platelets. That being said, those donors are still eligible to donate red blood cells!

The easiest way to define apheresis is taking one part of your blood and giving you back the rest. This is the process of giving platelets: blood is collected using a sophisticated machine where platelets are separated from the rest of your blood and the remaining components (such as plasma or red cells) are safely returned to you through the same arm.

As long as you are 17-years-old and meet the minimum requirements for donating whole blood you may be able to donate platelets. Visit the whole blood donation eligibility requirements to learn more.

We reserve 2-hour appointments to ensure enough time for the entire process and you are encouraged to bring a book, watch a movie, or just sit back and relax. Remember: your donation will benefit a local patient within the week!

Just like donating blood, platelet donors will want to get a good night’s sleep on the night leading up to their donation. Unlike donating whole blood, you are required to avoid aspirin for 48 hours before donation, as it will affect the clotting properties of your platelets. We also recommend that donors drink fluids and have a full meal prior to your donation.

Platelets are a component of blood that promotes clotting. They are named after their plate-like shape, and when activated, platelets develop sticky spikes that help them cluster together to seal off cuts and other wounds. Platelets are body’s natural bandages! Many cancer patients rely on platelets throughout the course of their treatment. Nearly 50% of donated platelets are used in patients with a cancer diagnosis. Other platelet recipients include premature babies, trauma victims, and those receiving organ or bone marrow transplants.

Yes! You can feel good knowing that you are donating for most critically ill patients. In addition, first time donors receive fun swag and frequent donors earn exclusive gifts for reaching annual milestone donation levels. Learn more about The Beacon Club Platelets.

Post Donation

Your body will replace the fluid portion of your blood within 24 hours. It will take a few weeks to replace the red blood cells.   

Approximately six months or more with a healthy diet, or one to two months with an iron supplement.

Replace iron loss by taking an oral iron supplement daily for 60 days immediately following your blood donation. We recommend taking an over-the-counter supplement or multivitamin containing 18mg of elemental iron per day. 

Most people feel fine after donating blood (having a snack helps - seriously!). Your body constantly makes new blood and the fluid you give will be replaced within hours. Eating a full meal before you donate will help you feel strong afterword. Drinking water and juice before and after donating also helps your body replenish lost fluids.

 Avoid strenuous activity for 12 hours after donating. If you are donating at a blood drive at your place of employment and have a hazardous or strenuous job, we recommend donating at the end of your shift.  

Whole Blood Heroes

Each Low Titer O Positive Whole Blood (LTOWB) donation is tested to ensure that it meets all the requirements of the product. On occasion, we discover that the current donation exceeds the level, or titer, of anti-A and anti-B antigen, which means that the unit is no longer eligible to be used as LTOWB.

Should this happen, the donation can still be used for other purposes – either general whole blood or further manufactured into components such as red cells. Versiti’s current practice is that if a donation should exceed the low titer level, the donor will no longer be eligible for a LTOWB and, because O positive blood is so important for supporting a broad spectrum of patients, the donor will be encouraged to donate red blood cells instead.

Eligibility to donate LTOWB is based on the following criteria: male, type O positive, tests under a certain threshold for anti-A and anti-B antibodies, is not on an aspirin regimen, is not taking platelet-enhancing medications, and not currently taking anticoagulants.

The blood most needed to help trauma patients is type O positive whole blood which has been tested for low levels of certain antibodies making it safe for use with patients of any blood type during trauma or other emergency situations. This whole blood is able to be transfused very quickly, often at the site of an emergency event, and carries with it all the critical oxygenation and clotting properties to help support a patient while hemorrhaging.

By agreeing to participate, you are committing to saving lives of those in our communities who are enduring trauma or other massive hemorrhagic events through 3 or more LTOWB donations per year.

By joining us, you will receive quarterly communications featuring messages from those on the front lines serving patients and stories about patients who received this lifesaving product. You will also receive a commemorative coin demonstrating your commitment to saving lives through Whole Blood Heroes. Lastly, you will receive an invitation to an exclusive Whole Blood Heroes event/webinar where you will hear about the lives saved during the year while we recognize those donors who made the program possible.

To build a community of generous donors who will provide LTOWB in order to serve the needs of civilians in our communities who are undergoing trauma.

Men tend to have lower levels of antibodies in their blood than women. This helps to prevent reactions in patients who receive a transfusion. Low Titer O Positive Whole Blood can be received by almost any patient. This is important because during emergency situations there is no time to test a patient’s blood type for compatibility.

Military research has demonstrated that by providing whole blood, which contains clotting factors and oxygen-carrying red cells, to bleeding patients early in the process greatly reduces mortality and improves patient outcomes.

There will be no change in the donation process from the current whole blood donation process.

How to Apply

Yes, you can create an account and attach your resume without applying to a specific position. After you create your profile, you can set up alerts to let you know when a position you're interested in becomes available.

In order to be considered for a position at Versiti, you must apply online. If you need access to a computer, we have a kiosk in the Human Resources department at 638 N. 18th Street that you may use. Libraries are also a good resource for computer access. In order to apply, you will need to attach a resume. Because the system will time-out after 30 minutes, it's a good idea to have your resume completed and ready to be attached. Also, remember to save information while you work.

Yes, please complete an application for each position that you are interested in, including postings for different jobs with the same title so we can make sure that you are working in the location that you prefer. For example, because there may be several postings for phlebotomists, but at different locations, you would need to apply separately for each region where you would be willing to work.

The Recruitment Process

If you did not receive an email confirmation, we most likely did not receive your application and you should apply again. If you did receive an email, you can login to your account via our website to check the status of your application. We are unable to provide status updates other than through email. If your skills and qualifications are a good match for the position, our recruiters will contact you directly for an interview.

You can edit your profile, including contact information, password and resume, by logging in to your profile via our website. Before you exit the site, make sure you save all your changes.

There is not a precise answer to this question. Processing time for individual applications can vary due to the volume of qualified candidates for each position, and screening and interview schedules. However, we will follow up and send you an email when your application has been received. Because we strive to hire only the most highly qualified candidates for each of our openings, you will only be contacted by a recruiter if you are one of our top candidates.


Monday - Friday: 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Central Time
Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Central Time

After hours email or call 800-245-3117 x6250 and leave a message.

For local sample pick up or urgent testing needs, call 800-245-3117 x6250 and select an option.

Please note Client Services is closed on Sundays and the following dates in observance of national holidays. We cannot accept samples on these days.

Holiday Date closed Day of the week
Memorial Day May 26, 2025 Monday
4th of July July 4, 2025 Friday
Labor Day September 1, 2025 Monday
Thanksgiving November 27, 2025 Thursday
Christmas December 25, 2025 Thursday
New Year's January 1, 2025 Thursday


No. While we are open to accept delivery on Saturdays, some samples should not be sent for Saturday delivery. Contact Client Services prior to sending to discuss stability. Samples should not be shipped out of your location on Saturday or the day before an observed holiday to ensure viability of the sample (see “What are Diagnostic Lab hours” for holiday dates). If special circumstances arise, contact Client Services at 800-245-3117 ext. 6250.

Yes. 800-245-3117 ext 6250

Diagnostic samples and/or infectious substances must be packaged in compliance with Department of Transportation (DOT), International Air Transport Association (IATA), and the specific requirements of the overnight carrier used.

Frozen samples should be shipped on a minimum of 5 pounds of dry ice. Use only plastic tubes and cushion them to protect from breakage during shipment. Please be aware that dry ice is also considered a hazard for shipping and must be packaged in compliance with DOT, IATA, and the requirements of the overnight carrier used.

Refrigerated samples should be shipped on ice packs. Protect samples from freezing by wrapping them in paper toweling.

Versiti Wisconsin / Client Services
638 N. 18th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53233-2121


If Versiti does not contract with your facility for laboratory testing services, we can offer the option for your patient to pay directly for laboratory testing performed in Wisconsin only. We will accept a check, money order, VISA or MasterCard as advance payment. A paid invoice will be issued to the patient when the testing is completed. If testing is canceled prior to performance, Versiti will issue a refund to the patient.

Important Information for Private Pay Patients

If your current healthcare provider does not have a service contract with Versiti, you may be required to pay out-of-pocket for laboratory testing services performed in Wisconsin. This means that you, not your health insurer, will pay Versiti for the services.

Before you agree to pay for laboratory testing services, it is very important that you understand that your health insurance company may not reimburse you at all, or may only reimburse you a fraction of the amount you pay to Versiti.

If you have health insurance, typically your insurance provider will pay for services you receive from certain providers that are within the insurer’s network. These providers are usually called “in-network providers”. Your insurance plan may also offer some coverage for services that you receive from “out-of-network providers” such as Versiti. Out-of-network providers usually do not have contracts with your insurance company and therefore do not submit bills directly to your insurance company. This means that you must pay the Versiti directly, and then ask your insurance company to pay you back. Depending on what your insurance policy says, your insurance company may not pay you back, or may only pay you back a small percentage of what you paid to Versiti.

Please click the link here for additional information.


If your insurer is Tricare and you are a member of the military, please click here.

International Customers

International customers may contact Versiti via phone or email to obtain wire transfer documents to utilize credit card payments.

Versiti does not bill insurers or other third party payers except as noted below. The institution submitting the specimen for testing is responsible for payment.

Versiti bills the referring institution unless the patient is an outpatient Medicare enrollee or a Medicaid recipient from Wisconsin, or the requested testing falls under specific CMS guidelines for Medicare/Medicaid recipients. If applicable, please complete the Medicare/Medicaid Benificiary form, located here.

Versiti's standard payment terms are that payment is due upon invoice receipt.

You should use Versiti, Inc FEIN 45-4675354 as the correct tax ID for remittance purposes. For all other inquiries or additional information, please contact

Our standard process includes issuing invoices on a weekly basis after testing is completed. We offer a monthly option as well; if interested contact Client Services. The institution referring the specimen is responsible for payment. Please submit all information for payment, including a purchase order number if required and billing address, on the requisition that is sent with the sample.

Results and Reports

Tests and panels can be canceled without charge if the notification is received before the sample has been processed. Please call Client Services at 800-245-3117, ext. 6250 to cancel an order. A final report will be issued to reflect the cancellation of the order.

STAT testing is available for many of our assays. Some STAT tests require the approval of the laboratory director. Client Services or the appropriate laboratory will be able to advise you if STAT testing is available and what STAT charges will be applied.

Final test results are routinely sent to the referring institution by fax when all tests on a sample have been completed. This report includes interpretation of all test results. A complete interpretation of results is dependent on the clinical history that you include on the requisition. 

We now offer secure email as an option for receiving patient results. Please contact our Client Services team for further details. 

Test results are also available online. Contact Client Services to enroll in Labtest, our online ordering and results viewing system. 

Your laboratory or physicians may choose to receive results by mail. Please contact Client Services at 800-245-3117, ext. 6250 to request this service.

CPT codes listed reflect the testing performed on each sample and are intended as a guide for your internal billing procedures. Be sure to review our recommended CPT codes with your insurance and state carriers. CPT codes listed in our directory of services reflect our interpretation of the AMA CPT code handbook.

Some test results are available as interim reports. This includes individual tests which are resulted while other tests are in progress. Interpretation of results will be included only on the final report. Please contact Client Services if you would like to receive interim results.

Versiti Diagnostic Laboratories is committed providing uninterrupted testing services, and have implemented best-practice strategies for our employees and supply chain as we monitor the spread of coronavirus (“COVID-19”).

Unacceptable Samples

When placing a label on a test tube, there are 4 main steps to follow:

  1. Place the label directly below the cap on the test tube,
  2. Ensure there is a visible space to view the contents,
  3. Check that the name on the label is at the top near the cap, and
  4. Guarantee that the barcode is placed straight

It is important to follow these tube labeling best practices. Improper tube labeling can result in processing difficulties with the sample, and could lead to unnecessary delays. Click here to review an example of a correctly labeled test tube.

We will notify you by phone and issue a report outlining reason for rejection if a sample is considered unacceptable for testing.

Sample integrity is crucial to accurate test results. Samples can be compromised due to conditions during collection, storage, or transportation. The most frequent causes of unacceptable samples are hemolysis, inappropriate transport temperature, incorrect sample type and sample age. If a sample is unacceptable for testing, you will be notified by telephone. A report will be issued documenting that the sample was rejected. In some instances testing will be performed on a suboptimal sample after consultation with you.

Proper identification of specimens is essential to providing accurate laboratory results for the correct patient. The laboratory cannot accept unlabeled specimens, even when accompanied by paperwork bearing the patient's name. Incomplete or inaccurately labeled specimens will be evaluated to determine whether acceptable identification can be made and a report issued.


Yes. Please include a completed requisition with each patient sample referred to the Diagnostic Laboratories. Requisitions preprinted with your name, address and client number are available from Client Services or 800-245-3117, ext. 6250.

All requisitions can be found on the Forms and Requisitions page of Versiti Diagnostic Labs.

Hemostasis Processing

The Hemostasis Reference Laboratory retains samples for 2 months following testing. Please call if additional testing is needed to determine if stored aliquots are available for additional testing.

Portions of the above procedures are reproduced with permission, from Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (Formerly NCCLS) publication H2-A4-Collection, Transport, and Processing of Blood specimens for Testing Plasma-Based Coagulation Assays; Approved Guideline-Fourth Addition (ISBN 1-56238-521-6). Copies of the current edition may be obtained from Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1400, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087-1898, USA.

If Hct=58%, put 0.80 ml of anticoagulant into a plastic tube, draw blood and put 9.2 ml into tube for total sample volume of 10 ml. Or, fill syringe with 0.80 ml of anticoagulant and draw blood to 10 ml mark.

Yes. See the Hemostasis Anticoagulant chart below:

ml of citrate for:
Hct%     5 ml Sample 10 ml Sample
10-14     0.75 1.5
15-19     0.70 1.4
20-55     0.50 1.0
56-58     0.40 0.80
59-61     0.37 0.75
62-64     0.35 0.70
65-67     0.32 0.65
68-70     0.30 0.60

To obtain a plasma sample, the capped specimen tube should be centrifuged at a speed and time required to consistently produce platelet-poor plasma with a platelet count <10 x 109/L(10,000/uL). This may be accomplished by centrifuging at 1,500 g for no less than 15 minutes at room temperature. If necessary, transfer plasma to a plastic tube and re-centrifuge to remove platelets. Do not filter the plasma to remove platelets, as filtering removes high molecular weight von Willebrand factor.

Using a plastic pipette, remove the top 2/3 of plasma, transfer to a labeled plastic tube and cap. Do not use glass tubes, as glass activates the hemostatic mechanism. Refer to individual test entries in the Test Catalog for sample volume, number of aliquots required and special instructions.

  • Freeze plasma within 4 hours of specimen collection.
  • Specimens stored at -80oC are stable for 1 year. 
  • Samples stored at -20oC are stable for 14 days.
  • Specimens must remain frozen during storage and shipment.
  • Ship on dry ice with guaranteed overnight delivery.
  • Refer to shipping instructions for more information.
  • Consumer-grade freezers that undergo freeze/thaw cycles are not acceptable. 

The anticoagulant used for coagulation assays should be 105 to 109 mMol/L, 3.13% to 3.2% (commonly described as 3.2%) of the dihydrate form of trisodium citrate (Na3C6H5O7 • 2H2O), buffered or nonbuffered (light blue top vacuum tube).

We prefer that the first tube drawn not be utilized for hemostasis testing. The venipuncture must not be traumatic or slow flowing; avoid leaving the tourniquet on for an extended time. Allow evacuated tubes to fill by vacuum completely. Invert tubes gently at least 4 times to mix. Keep samples capped and process immediately. Whole blood specimens should be transported and kept at 18-24 co. (Transportation of whole blood specimens on ice is not recommended for most coagulation assays.) Centrifuge sample, remove plasma, and freeze within 4 hours from the time of specimen collection. Hemolyzed or clotted specimens are unacceptable.

The proportion of blood to the sodium citrate anticoagulant volume is 9:1. Inadequate filling of the collection tube will decrease this ratio, and may lead to inaccurate results. The final citrate concentration in the blood should be adjusted in patients who have hematocrit values above 55%. For hematocrits below 20%, there are no current data available to support a recommendation for adjusting the citrate concentration. 

Histocompatibility Samples

See the table below to find the typing and tube requirements for patients of a specific age.

Patient Age Tube Type Typing To Be Performed
0 - 1 year 3 cc in lavender top/4 buccal swabs
2 cc in red top
A, B, C, DP, DQ, DR low, int, or high resolution
1 - 5 years 5 cc in lavender top/4 buccal swabs
2 cc in red top
A, B, C, DP, DQ, DR low, int, or high resolution
5 - 10 years 7 cc in lavender top/4 buccal swabs  
3 cc in red top
A, B, C, DP, DQ, DR low, int, or high resolution
> 10 years 14 cc in lavender top/4 buccal swabs
5 cc in red top
A, B, C, DP, DQ, DR low, int, or high resolution


It may be possible to be a donor if you have had cancer. At the time of donation, medical professionals will assess your organs and tissues and determine if they are suitable for transplantation. Each donor is evaluated on an individual basis.

There are no set age limits for donation, meaning people of any age may become a donor. Advances in technology allow more people than ever to be donors, including older adults and those with previous medical conditions. At the time of death, medical professionals will evaluate whether an individual’s organs and tissues can be transplanted. Medical eligibility depends on many factors and must be determined after the donor's death. Every donor is thoroughly screened and tested before donation can take place. This screening includes comprehensive medical and social histories, including high-risk behaviors for transmissible diseases that automatically eliminate any possibility of donation.

Family Questions

A donor’s family will be told the age, sex, state and other general characteristics of recipients. If both the donor family and the recipient agree to sign a release of information form, available through the Organ Procurement Organization, Tissue Bank or Lion’s Eye Bank, they may then exchange names, correspond and eventually meet if they so choose.

Donation may provide immediate and long-term consolation, especially in light of sudden, unexpected circumstances. The family members of the donor often feel encouraged that something good has come out of something tragic.

There is no cost to the donor family. All costs for recovery of donated organs, eyes and tissues are passed on to transplant recipients and their insurance providers. The donor’s family pays only for the medical care provided before death and normal funeral expenses. Organ, tissue and eye donation is a gift. It is illegal in the United States to buy or sell organs or tissues.

Many people don’t like to discuss end-of-life situations; however, talking about donation is different than talking about death. When you share your donation decision with your family, you are talking about the opportunity to help others and to ensure that your family understands your wishes


Yes. Organ size is critical to matching the donor and recipient for hearts, livers and lungs. But genetic makeup is also important when matching kidneys; therefore, African-Americans will "match" better with a kidney donated from an African-American than any other race — as will Asians with Asians, etc. For an allograft (human to human tissue transplant), you do not need to have a “match” to receive a tissue transplant. For cornea transplantation, the best match is based on size and age of the cornea.

You can help save lives by making a financial contribution or by volunteering your time. Financial gifts are used to create materials for our education and awareness efforts. Without these materials, we couldn’t spread the word about the desperate need for organ and tissue donation.

Your gift can be made in honor of someone or in recognition of an event, anniversary or achievement, or in memory of a loved one. If you’d like, we will even send a letter to the person you designate, and the letter will acknowledge your contribution.

You can make a gift online. If you have any questions, please call the Foundation Office at 414-937-6799.

Our mailing address is:
Foundation Office
BloodCenter of Wisconsin
P.O. Box 2178
Milwaukee, WI 53201-2178

All gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law. BloodCenter of Wisconsin is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

The United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) maintains the national computer system listing of donors and candidates for transplant. Recipients are identified through a comprehensive evaluation of medical compatibility, including size and blood type, medical urgency and geographic location. The social or financial positions of the recipient are not factors in determining who is transplanted. Wealthy or famous people do not get priority for organs.

Thanks to advances in medical technology and improved preservation techniques, organs, tissues and corneas may be transported to reach recipients waiting in transplant centers. Approximate preservation times are:

  • Heart/lung: 4 to 6 hours
  • Pancreas: 12 to 24 hours
  • Liver: 6 to 8 hours
  • Kidneys: 24 to 72 hours
  • Corneas: Must be transplanted within 5 to 7 days
  • Heart valves, skin, bone, tendons, veins: May be preserved from 3 to 5 years

For organ donation to occur, the patient must be in a hospital on a ventilator and have been declared deceased due to loss of brain or cardiac function. The organs must be quickly recovered, properly preserved and transplanted quickly. Organs must be carefully matched to waiting recipients. Matching is done according to factors such as blood type, medical status of the recipient and size of the waiting recipient. Tissue donation occurs in the first 24 hours after the heart has stopped beating. The tissues can be preserved and used at a later date. Consequently, there are many more potential tissue donors than organ donors. Tissue recipients do not have to be matched to their donors, as rejection is not generally a concern.

More than 2,600 Wisconsin families are currently waiting for a life-saving transplant. Thousands more await tissue, bone, skin and corneas. One donor can save or improve the lives of more than 50 people. Donated organs are used to save the lives of people with organ failure. Donated corneas restore vision to the blind. Donated skin, bone and tissue help repair defects, promote faster healing, save limbs and can save the lives of those with severe burns. Heart valves give patients a chance to resume normal life.

Great care is taken to preserve the donor’s appearance through the delicate surgical procedures that occur during organ and tissue recovery. Incisions and areas of tissue donation can be covered by clothing. Open-casket services can occur following donation. The recovering agency will make certain the body is released to the funeral home on time. No extra planning is required by families of organ and tissue donors. Through the entire donation process the body is treated with care, respect and dignity.

Donation is only considered after all efforts to save a patient’s life have been exhausted by the medical team. Organ recovery only occurs after death has been declared. The Organ Procurement Organization is a separate team of people from the medical team that is treating the patient. This ensures that there is no conflict of interest.

Religion & Personal Questions

Most major religions in the U.S. support donation as a gift of life to fellow human beings. The vast majority of religious groups support donation as the highest gesture of humanitarianism. Some religions have taken a proactive stance with a resolution, or adopted a position, that encourages people to seriously consider donation and plan accordingly. 


No, the VersiPASS survey needs to be completed during one session on the day of your appointment.

No. Your VersiPASS receipt can be printed from any standard printer. The receipt will be black and white and one page long.

Yes. You still need to provide a driver’s license or state-issued ID before you are able to donate.

VersiPASS is intended to provide donors with a convenient, alternate solution for completing their questionnaires. Surveys can be completed at home on the day of their appointment, or in person at a mobile drive or donor center.

Yes, the VersiPASS portal is encrypted with web layer security encryption. The information provided is also protected by HIPAA confidentiality laws.

Once you complete the VersiPASS questionnaire, you will receive a confirmation receipt from Please print or present this receipt on your mobile device at your appointment.

Please make sure to add to your contacts list to ensure deliverability. If, for some reason, you do not receive or happen to misplace your confirmation receipt, you will be required to answer the donor questionnaire at your appointment.

You must complete your VersiPASS survey on the day of your appointment. If you complete the survey prior to the date of your appointment, you will need to retake the survey in person at your appointment.

System Compatibility

Any valid Gmail, Yahoo, AOL,, iCloud, or other modern domain name address is supported. Please do not choose an email addresses that includes an apostrophe (') since these will cause compatibility issues.

Yes. VersiPass is compatible with Windows (XP, Vista, 7 and later), MacOs (10.9 or later), IOS 9 or later, Android 4.1 or later.

VersiPass is compatible with Windows Explorer version 6 or later, Firefox version 3 and later, Chrome version 14 and later, and Safari version 5 and later.

As an organization, we do not accept volunteers with court-ordered community service.

No. All volunteers drive Versiti vehicles. Drivers are needed seven days a week, schedules may vary by location.

We ask that you be willing to volunteer at least four hours per month, with a one year commitment.

Upon receipt of your application, Versiti staff will conduct a standard criminal background check. Afterward, a member of the Volunteer Services Department will contact you with next steps.

A general introduction/orientation is required. Volunteers receive training appropriate to their roles.

Versiti has volunteer teams throughout Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin.

Anyone who:
  • Is 16+, with parental consent (21+ for volunteer drivers)
  • Successfully passes a criminal background check
  • Has exceptional customer service skills
  • Works well on a team
  • Is mature and reliable
Accreditations & Licenses
Versiti and its affiliates hold numerous accreditations and licenses, listed here for each Versiti affiliate.
Become an Organ and Tissue Donor
Learn more about how to sign up as an organ, tissue and eye donor and how organ donation saves and enhances lives in our communities.
Contact Us
Easily find contact information for our different blood centers, diagnostic laboratories, organ and tissue donation and more.
Where to Donate Blood Near You
There are may options where you can make your blood, platelet, or plasma donation. Your donations provide hospitals in your community with precious blood products that patients desparately need.
About Us
Versiti is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) blood health organization with locations across the Midwest. Its world-class capabilities blood donation, innovative research and state-of-the-art diagnostic testing.
Search for current job openings and careers at Versiti in a variety of departments, including blood services, research, laboratories and more.
Versiti Blood Research Institute
Versiti Blood Research Institute investigators study blood disorders like hemophilia, blood cancers like leukemia, and other blood diseases.
Products & Services
Versiti offers a number of products and services for professional partners, including blood products for transfusion, specialty products and therapeutic services.