Versiti - Boilermaker Alliance vs. Ohio State Blood Battle

Boilermaker Alliance vs. Ohio State Blood Battle

Which school community will win the month of March? The one who collects the most blood in the Blood Battle!
Purdue Abe Parker Grand Lobby
225 S University St
West Lafayette, IN 47907
March 27, 2024
10:00 am - 3:00 pm

The Ohio State vs. Boilermaker Alliance Blood Battle is back. Donate blood March 1-31 at a Blood Battle blood drive to help your favorite school win.

In the month of March, a winner-takes-all tournament will capture hearts – and blood. That’s right, it’s the annual Blood Battle between two historic university programs, The Ohio State University and Boilermaker Alliance.

Both schools can taste the championship, but only one can win. The school that collects the most blood from March 1 to March 31 will win the coveted Blood Battle title.

Did we mention all blood donors get a commemorative T-shirt (while supplies last)?

To help your school win – and save lives, of course – find a participating Blood Battle blood drive near you, hosted by either Ohio State or Boilermaker Alliance, and make an appointment to donate blood.

Contact Information
Versiti Blood Center of Indiana