Versiti - Skooter Thompson | Impact Stories

Skooter Thompson

Skooter was just 19 years old when he was involved in a serious car accident. Multiple blood transfusions, and other life-saving surgeries allowed him to make a full recovery.

Skooter Thompson

Daewoo “Skooter” Thompson was just 19 years old when he was involved in a life-threatening car accident, his car rolling and ejecting him from the vehicle. Skooter stopped breathing, and emergency medical crews began what would become a 53-day effort to bring Skooter back to life. 

At the hospital, Skooter was intubated, hooked up to an ECMO machine, and underwent multiple bronchoscopies, six abdominal surgeries, a tracheostomy tube, a feeding tube and a skin graft. During his hospital stay, he received numerous blood products that helped him recover, and his entire family have become advocates for blood donation. 

Months after he was discharged, Skooter returned to the hospital to thank the care team that helped him to make a full recovery. 

Impact Stories | Blood Donation

Lena Harvey
Sickle cell warrior Lena Harvey knows firsthand how isolating, painful and debilitating sickle cell disease can be. That’s why she’s passionate about advocating for others.
Porscha Burks
Porscha was diagnosed with sickle cell disease when she was 4 years old. As she got older, the painful episodes caused by the disease became more frequent and difficult to recover from.
Mario Higgins
All blood donations are valuable, and save lives. However Mario's blood is special, it's missing a certain protein and is shared by 1 in 500 African Americans, which makes it rare and unique.