Versiti - Blood Donations Critical Following Winter Storms and Rise in Illness | Press Releases

Press Release

Blood Donation Critical Following Winter Storms and Rise in Illness

Indianapolis — January 13, 2025

Officials are sounding the alarm regarding life-threatening blood shortages.

Your Blood - Their Hope. Emergency Blood Shortage - Donate Today!

Versiti Blood Center of Indiana has issued an emergency plea for blood donations. Winter weather and a rise in illness have significantly disrupted donations, resulting in less than a day’s supply of critical blood types for patients in our local hospitals.

“Blood shortages aren't just statistics — they mean real lives hanging in the balance,” said Dan Waxman, MD, vice president of transfusion medicine and senior medical director at Versiti. “When hospitals run out of blood, critical treatments are delayed, surgeries are postponed, and lives are at risk.”

Consider the story of Divinity Crittendon, who required an astonishing 276 units of blood during her emergency C-section to bring her son, Tyree, into the world. After an arduous 21 days in the hospital, where she fought for her life on a ventilator, she finally held her baby for the first time, thanks to the generosity of blood donors.

“I’m not a statistic and I want people to be more aware of these types of situations and let them know that donating really helps,” said Crittendon. “This is living proof—two lives, mine and my son’s, were saved from the blood that was donated. It all makes a difference.”

Proactive blood donation is crucial for ensuring lifesaving resources are available for unforeseen emergencies, trauma victims, cancer patients and those undergoing organ transplants. As in Divinity’s case, blood transfusions are also needed in one out of every 83 baby deliveries in the United States.

Donors can give blood six times a year through a safe, simple process. Although all blood types are needed, O negative, the universal blood donor type, is in lowest supply.

To schedule an appointment to donate blood, call (317) 916-5150 or visit to find a donor center or community blood drive in your area. Walk-in donors are also welcome. 

Donor center locations:

Donating blood takes about an hour. Anyone aged 16 or older who is in good health and meets eligibility requirements is encouraged to give. Parental consent is required for donors aged 16 to donate blood. Donors should bring a photo ID that includes their birth date.

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About Versiti Blood Center of Indiana

More than 90,000 Indiana residents each year give blood through Versiti Blood Center of Indiana, formerly Indiana Blood Center, a non-profit organization founded in 1952 that operates blood donation centers in Carmel, Fishers, Greenwood, Lafayette and Terre Haute. The center also operates thousands of mobile and community blood drives each year throughout the state. Versiti provides a continuous and safe supply of blood and biological services to more than 95 Indiana hospitals and their patients and beyond.

To learn more, visit


Media Contact
Kristin Paltzer
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Blood Donation Critical Following Winter Storms and Rise in Illness
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Blood Donation FAQs
Read frequently asked questions involving donor eligibility, donation process, blood safety, platelet donation, plasma donation and more.
Types of Donations
Volunteer to donate blood at a blood donation center near you. Find out how often you can donate blood and make an appointment to donate today.
Indiana Donation Locations
Versiti Blood Center of Indiana has provided blood products and services to local patients since 1952. Find a blood center near you or use our zip code search to find a nearby community blood drive.
Impact Stories
Your blood, organ and tissue, and other donations directly impact lives in your community. Read a few of the examples of some of the lives that have been changed for the better.