Versiti - Happiest of Holidays

Warmest Wishes from Versiti

Your dedication to our lifesaving mission warms our hearts.

Celebrate the Season of Giving

Thank you for your support in 2023. Because of you, patients like sickle cell warrior Lena and leukemia survivor Thomas are living happier, healthier lives.

Sickle Cell Warrior Lena

Portrait of Lena Harvey and her dog.

Lena Harvey

Sickle cell warrior Lena has experienced severe pain, countless hospitalizations, death scares and discrimination because of her disease. Despite everything she has been through, she is determined to advocate for other sickle cell patients and make a positive impact in their lives. “Anywhere there is a sickle cell initiative, anywhere there is someone who needs to learn something about sickle cell or the impact they could have by simply giving blood, that’s where I come in,” she says. “We all deserve a chance at life.”

Thomas Williams and his mom, Lori.

Thomas Williams and his mom, Lori.

Thomas and Lori Williams

Thomas was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia shortly after his 2nd birthday and received 18 blood transfusions to keep his little body strong enough to endure grueling chemotherapy. Today, Thomas is in remission and his mother, Lori, encourages others to donate blood and save children’s lives. “I didn’t know until Thomas was in treatment that pretty much every child that goes through cancer treatment gets blood products,” she says. “I always ask people, ‘If you could save my son’s life by giving blood, would you do it?’ And they always say yes.”

About Blood Donation
Donate blood, donate plasma or donate platelets at a blood donation center near you or a blood drive near you. Make an appointment to donate blood today.
Organ, Tissue & Eye Donation
Versiti Organ and Tissue is an organ procurement organization focused on increasing the Wisconsin donor registry though community outreach programs.
Share Your Story
Versiti invites you to share your story and photo to help encourage more people to give back. You may even be featured throughout the year on our social media.
Impact Stories
Your blood, organ and tissue, and other donations directly impact lives in your community. Read a few of the examples of some of the lives that have been changed for the better.