Versiti - Bonnie Dittel Laboratory | Versiti Blood Research Institute

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Interested in joining the Dittel lab?

We are seeking highly motivated undergraduate and graduate students and postdocs. If you are interested in joining the team, you can send your CV, a brief statement of research interests and contact information with 3 using the form below below.

If you would like to make a general inquiry or for more information on the research conducted, please contact Megan Baker at .

Bonnie Dittel, PhD
Senior Investigator
Megan Baker
Senior Administrative Assistant

Application Inquiry Form

Would you like to join the Dittel laboratory? Please complete the information below and attach your curiculum vitae for consideration. We will be contacting you shortly with more information.

Contact Information

Please include three contacts with your application.

First Contact Information:

Second Contact Information:

Third Contact Information:


Please enter your under-graduate, graduate and post-doctoral education (as applicable) below.

* Fields are required.